Tuesday, 16 April 2024

Science March

After spending more than a month trying to get MuseBlog’s slideshow app to work, I’ve given up and decided just to post the pictures I took at the Science March. Here are some to start with; captions and more photos will follow later.

I marched with a throng of paleontologists:
Science March, paleontology contingent
Science March, paleontology contingent

Other marches may have been bigger or slicker than the March for Science, but the scientists had the best hats. Good costumes, too:
Science march, hats
Science march, hats
Science march, hats

We mustered on the Washington Monument grounds and then marched down Constitution Avenue toward the Capitol amid intermittent rain:
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue
Science March, marching down Constitution Avenue

Most of the signs were homemade, and not all of them were equally water-repellent. Some of my favorites:
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs
Science March, catchy signs

And, of course, the obligatory steely-jawed selfie:
Science March, Robert

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