Thursday, 18 April 2024


MuseBlog does not encourage non-virtual meetings. If you’re going to organize them, be careful. The best way to plan them is for your parents to communicate with one another by e-mail. We’ll put them in touch with one another if they will e-mail us (gapa @ Meanwhile, you can use this thread for headcounts and other preliminary planning.

Chicagoland crowd: We’ve asked people at Muse headquarters about a possible tour for you. Stay tuned…Sorry–not this spring break!

GOOD NEWS! The people at Carus Publishing say they can give a tour. If you stop by on Tuesday or Thursday after 10 and before 4, you can meet the magazine’s art director and designer. If you come in the morning, the photo researcher will be there, too. Just let us know if and when, and we’ll pass the word on to them.

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