Sunday, 19 May 2024

Role-Playing Writing, v. 2007.2, Part 1 [Settling the Planet]

Alice launched the first RPW thread in May 2007, describing it as follows:

Everyone makes up one character (made up, mind you!) and we decide on plot, time, etc. just like usual. Then we start. It would be in the form of letters or e-mails, and we would say at the top of our post who the letter was to.

Everyone would have to read all of the posts, though, to prevent conflicting plot twists, but their character wouldn’t know about whatever the letter said unless it was addressed to them.

Get it?
If not, then phooey. That was hard to explain.

Even though the original one is still going on, we’re starting a new Role-Playing Writing thread from scratch so that newcomers and latecomers can participate. Have fun!

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