Saturday, 4 May 2024

Paul Baker Reports In

Muse's most colorful contributor doesn't know how to have a dull summer

Muse‘s most colorful contributor doesn’t know how to have a dull summer:

How’s my summer going? Well, I’ve written an explanation of Hot Pink Bunnies in Elizabethan English (I’m beginning to think normal people don’t get these requests. Maybe it’s because I’m British). I’ve just done a big thing on the Tower of London, which drove the Queen of Muses potty because all the facts had to be double-checked and it needed a poster for the Big Diagram.

I sold a symphony. The sort with a handle, not the sort with oboes and cellos and things.

I built a computer. It has glowing Martian eyes, three hard disks, internal neon lights, five cooling fans, round IDE cables, and lots of other boring tech stuff.

I played music for a wedding on a farm.

I spent two days in a sweltering, airless hall in Stafford, recording the Staffordshire Youth Recorder & Renaissance Ensemble. Me, Uncle Terry, about thirty kids, and a huge collection of recorders, viols, rebecs, shawms, bagpipes and hurdy-gurdies. In England, we still let kids loose on these things. Health & Safety would ban it in America.

Yesterday I dashed round the Midlands trying to get some decent video footage of a donkey. Any donkey. I repeat. Normal people don’t get these requests…..

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