Tuesday, 30 April 2024

July Random Thread: Tomorrowlands That Never Made It

Page from the article

Who but Muse would run an article about old visions of the future that never came to pass? It ran in the January 2001 issue along with articles about neutrino hunting and maps and historic Muse stories and covers from A.D. 1, 410, 499, 1122, 1368, 1419, 1475, 1492, 1681, 1784, 1902, and 1903. In its honor, we dedicate this random thread to the memory of wistful will-bes that weren’t. (We still wish we could live in a domed city and commute by flying belt.)

Ideas for future random threads are still welcome.

Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!

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