Friday, 19 April 2024

MuseBlog NaNoNovels

The dust has settled, the word count is in, and MuseBlog is a winner! If you'd like other MBers to read your finished (or unfinished) oeuvre, email it to gapa @ (delete the spaces). We'll post it here. NOTE: Please use an easily identifiable subject line in your emails so we don't mistake them for spam!

The dust has settled, the word count is in, and MuseBlog is a winner! Congratulatory pies to all!

If you’d like other MBers to read your finished (or unfinished) oeuvre, email it to gapa @ (delete the spaces). We’ll post it here.

NOTE: Please use an easily identifiable subject line in your emails so we don’t mistake them for spam!

The novels are set up as individual Google documents, so click the link to view them.

Prarilius Canix Flamehenge

Cinnamon Moon Sunset in Niomahn

Kiki the Great Memoirs of a Teenage Zombie

Purple Panda: Muse Academy

::DandelionsAreWildflowers:: About Me Being Celli

Ebeth [title?]

Beavo the Online Stalker Spy Magic: Handle with Care

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