Friday, 3 May 2024

Chronicles of Museica, Part the Fifth

In which Museica faces a new threat from the Triple Alliance of Misery. Details inside. Continued from Part the Fourth.

These posts from Part the Fourth give some preliminary details on the newest developments:

Let’s say there is a country in the middle of the Burnt Crust Wasteland (which is south of Museica and north of Muserland) that wants to conquer the Musiverse. On the days when people are feeling a little bit evil, they can release their impulses by becoming a leader of this country, and when they’re feeling good, they can be on the side of Muserland or Museica. So there will be an intermittent pie war, to keep us from getting bored, but not a constant, all-consuming one.

There are several regions in it.
Hottpincbunniland- The largest region, where the cute Bunnius nicegoodus is ruled by the tyrannical Bunnius evilus. The fact that the species look identical only confuses us more.
Tiffanlaneia- A place where Muse is banned, inhabited by gossip-mongering cell-phone zombies. Seventeen and People are the only magazines allowed.
Pellikokona- Ruled by an evil clone of Kokopelli, it is a wasteland filled with Pie Barbarians who pie not for fun, but out of cruelty.
These horrible countries form the Triple Alliance of Misery (TAM), which is constantly scheming to conquer Museica and Muserland.

Here are some maps of Muserland:

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