Welcome Neophytes! (September 2012 edition)
If you’re new on the blog, please stop by this thread and say pie — er hi.
September 2012 “Happy Birthday!” Thread
Known Muser birthdays and “K Days” this month*:
09-01 Ambystoma Maculatum’s birthday (1996)
09-02 Trojan Tiger’s birthday
09-04 Choklit Orange’s birthday (1997)
09-13 Catwings’ birthday (2001)
09-15 The Man For Aeiou’s birthday (1995)
09-17 Castle’s birthday (1997)
09-18 Sweet Melpomene’s birthday (1990)
09-19 marfwarrior’s birthday (1995)
09-19 IBCF’s 7K Day
09-19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
09-20 Maths Lover’s 6K Day
09-22 Catkopelli’s birthday (1999)
09-22 Prussia=awesome’s birthday (1999)
09-22 Spudman’s birthday
09-24 Zinc the Sorceress’s birthday (1997)
09-25 Optimatum’s 6K Day
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between December 25, 1998, and January 23, 1999.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between March 30 and April 28, 1996.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between July 4 and August 2, 1993.
You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in March.
*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.
MuseBlogger Gallery, August 2012
Recently arrived pictures of interest:
KaiYves at NASA Headquarters for the landing of Curiosity on Mars:
Jadestone’s cuttlefish:
Jadestone hugging her cuttlefish:
Date: August 23, 2012
Categories: Fan Page / MuseBlog business, The Universe, Things We like
September 2012 Muse Roll Call and Discussion
Tell us when your magazine arrives and/or what you think about it.
Read more »
Back to School, 2012
It’s that time again (at least in the Northern Hemisphere), and you must want to talk about. So here’s a place to do it, courtesy of your ever-obliging GAPAs.
Actually, Jadestone reminded us with this helpful offer:
Think it’s time for another back to school thread? Since many musers are heading off to college for the first time I’ve been thinking about making a list of less-thought of items I found really useful to have freshman year.
Mus, Anyone?
Unfortunately for its many aficionados, the Muse Academy card game Paker doesn’t work very well outside the Oasis. But we’ve found something almost as good: a Basque card game called Mus. Check it out on Wikipedia (http: // en.wikipedia . org/wiki/Mus_%28card_game%29). We’re sure you’ll want to learn to play it and teach your families and friends, too.
Hot Topics, v. 2012
We haven’t had a new one of these threads since v. 2011.2. With elections coming up in three months, we’ll probably need one for 2012.
A place for careful, clear, respectful discussions of difficult topics. No flame wars, please. This isn’t the rest of the Internet (as you may have noticed).
The Mars Science Laboratory, aka “Curiosity”
We can’t stop talking about it, so here’s a special place to continue the conversation that started on the Random thread.
Happy Birthday, MuseBlog!
It’s that time of year again: the very date on which our beloved blog erupted onto an unsuspecting Internet, to the discombobulation of just about everybody. It seems like only yesterday, and now suddenly we’re seven years old! Seven eventful years, and nary a squib in the bundle.
Expressions of dysphasic ecstasy and delirious incredulity will be most welcome, of course.
Date: August 1, 2012
Categories: Birthdays, Fan Page / MuseBlog business, Life, Nonrandom Craziness
Welcome, Neophytes! (August 2012 edition)
If you’re new on the blog, please stop by this thread and say pie — er hi.
August 2012 “Happy Birthday!” Thread
Known Muser birthdays this month*:
1 August – MuseBlog (2005), Armada (1996)
7 August – Koppar (1996)
8 August – small but fierce (1998)
12 August – Sweet Melpomene’s 8K Day
13 August – Pie Girl
21 August – Alice (1993)
22 August – Mikazuki (1998)
25 August – Optimatum’s 6K Day
27 August – Errata (1996), Rainbow*Storm (1997)
28 August – Clare de Lune’s 6K Day
29 August – Cskia’s 6K Day
30 August – Thief of Light (1998)
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between November 24 and December 24, 1998.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between February 28 and March 29, 1996.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between June 3 and July 3, 1993.
You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in February.
*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.
Sally Ride, 1951-2012
We’re saddened to learn and sorry to report that Sally Ride, the first American woman in space and an honorary Muser if there ever was one, has died of pancreatic cancer at age 61.
Happy Friday the Thirteenth!
This is the second and final Friday the 13th of 2012. (The first one was in January.) Let’s hear your good-luck stories from the day.
Chess: Robert vs. Everybody, Again — With a Twist: 1/2-1/2
As before, Robert takes on the world (or at least the world of logged-in MuseBloggers). The twist is that he will keep all of his pieces on “his” side of the board, the first four rows, unless forced across because it’s the only move available. White will be hunkered down for trench warfare; Black will have to go in and dig him out. Ready? Let’s go!
Happy Higgs Day!
This morning, physicists at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland announced that they have all-but-discovered a new particle that behaves a lot like the long-predicted Higgs boson.
Paul Baker announced it to the blog, and Robert’s magazine tells all about it here.
Chess: Everybody vs. Robert, 0-1
Ever get the feeling that the whole world was against you? That’s the idea behind this chess game. In a desperate ploy scientific experiment designed to see whether it’s possible to keep a game here moving forward to a conclusion, GAPA Robert Coontz is taking the black pieces and allowing anybody on MuseBlog to move for White. Trash talk, taunts, and analysis are encouraged. Let’s see if this works.
First move, anybody?
Welcome, Neophytes! (July 2012 edition)
If you’re new on the blog, please stop by this thread and say pie — er hi.
July 2012 “Happy Birthday!” Thread
Known MBer birthdays and “K Days” this month:*
July 03 Kokonilly’s birthday (1996)
July 05 shadowfire’s birthday (1996)
July 09 Lizzie’s birthday (1991)
July 10 Koko’s Apprentice’s birthday (1996)
July 12 Cerulean Pyros’s 6K Day
July 13 Rosebud2’s birthday (1998)
July 15 Reasons.’s birthday (1997)
July 16 Bibliophile’s birthday (1998)
July 18 Fortune Cell’s birthday (1992)
July 20 cromwell’s 6K Day
July 22 Mago Berry’s 5K Day
July 26 Agrrrfishi’s birthday (1994)
July 31 Agent Hippie’s birthday (1997)
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between October 24 and November 23, 1998.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between January 28 and February 27, 1996.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between May 3 and June 2, 1993.
You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in January.
*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.
Happy Summer!
The summer solstice, the official astronomical start of summer, is today, June 20. Here’s a thread for summery facts and fancies.
Confusingly, midsummer night falls just three days from now, on June 23 — a magical, dreamy time, we need hardly explain.
(Of course, that’s assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere. For MBers south of the equator, this is the winter solstice, and we beg your pardon.)