Tuesday, 14 January 2025

Archives from author » rosanne-spector-administrator

Back to School, v. 2009

It waits there like a big toad. Sooner or later it’s going to leap. Is that how you see the start of the school year? Here’s a place to talk about the dread, indifference or, yes, excitement that comes with returning to school. Some toads are very cool.


Summer in Greenland

What’s up in Greenland? The sun, for one thing — it’s shining 24 hours a day. And two of Robert’s and Rosanne’s friends, Mary Miller and Lisa Strong-Aufhauser, have just arrived there to document life among scientists in Greenland for the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco and its Web site: http://icestories.exploratorium.edu/

Mary says “so follow along on the adventure and send me comments.” She and Lisa are armed with great curiosity about the giant calving glacier and possibly even greater curiosity about how they’ll fare in their coming battle against the mosquitoes.

How to send Mary comments: Visit her Exploratorium blog, The Accidental Scientist.


On the Road with the Gozas

The latest issue of Muse introduced us to the Gozas — a family that calls the entire United States its home. Kimberly (mom), Dennis (dad) and Zephyr (teenage son) travel the continent in their RV, rarely staying put for more than two days. What's it like? We can ask them. They've promised to stop by this thread and answer our questions. So let the questions begin.

The latest issue of Muse introduced us to the Gozas — a family that calls the entire United States its home. Kimberly (mom), Dennis (dad) and Zephyr (teenage son) travel the continent in their RV, rarely staying put for more than two days. What’s it like? We can ask them. They’ve promised to stop by this thread and answer our questions. So let the questions begin.


Back to School 2007

What happened last year on August 11? Answer: We opened a Back-to-School thread on MuseBlog. And it looks like it's that time again.

What happened last year on August 11? Answer: We opened a Back-to-School thread on MuseBlog. And it looks like it’s that time again.


More Hats in the Ring

It turns out Kokopelli's not the only Muse running for office. The election will take place ... um ... we'll figure that out later. Let the campaigning begin!

It turns out Kokopelli’s not the only Muse running for office. The election will take place … um … we’ll figure that out later on September 21, 2007. Let the campaigning begin!


Expedition for the Scribblemaya

Gimanator explains: Ahem…my idea was to have an rpg sort of thread, based on the archeological expedition for the scribblemaya. On the thread everyone would not be in character, but under their MB name. Each person who joins would be another archeologist on the expedition. It wouldn't necessarly be an action filled thread, just sort of us MBers creating and putting together our ideas on the ancient civilization.

Gimanator explains: Ahem…my idea was to have an rpg sort of thread, based on the archeological expedition for the scribblemaya. On the thread everyone would not be in character, but under their MB name. Each person who joins would be another archeologist on the expedition. It wouldn’t necessarly be an action filled thread, just sort of us MBers creating and putting together our ideas on the ancient civilization.


Partial Scripts

Writing a script? Here's a place for works in progress.

Writing a script? Here’s a place for works in progress.


Words & Names, v. 2007.2

Words & names you ♥ or just want to talk about. Hey, is ♥ a word?

Words & names you ♥ or just want to talk about. Hey, is ♥ a word?

Pie Isle, Part 1

An uncharted island has been discovered by Museicians: Pie Isle.
Here’s a place to tell what’s happening there.


Music, v. 2006.3

Do re mi fa so la ti do and all that jazz. A place to talk about music.

Do re mi fa so la ti do and all that jazz. A place to talk about music.


Poems and Songs, v. 2006.4

A fresh thread for poems and songs of interest. Elassë~adael's idea.

A fresh thread for poems and songs of interest. Elassë~adael’s idea.


Easing into the school year with a little help from your friends. But not too much help, please.

Easing into the school year with a little help from your friends. But not too much help, please.


You Know You’re Addicted To X When You Y

Chokoholics, video-game addicts, manga fiends — tell us how you know when you've crossed the line. MuseBlog addicts, however, can still post about that obsession here.

Chokoholics, video-game addicts, manga fiends — tell us how you know when you’ve crossed the line. MuseBlog addicts, however, can still post about that obsession here.


Sim Stuff and Computer Games in General

What do you love or hate about computer games? Or just wonder? Here's a virtual place for a virtual chat about that. (Because Batman suggested a discussion about Roller Coaster Tycoon and Purple Panda proposed a general discussion about computer games.)

What do you love or hate about computer games? Or just wonder? Here’s a virtual place for a virtual chat about that. (Because Batman suggested a discussion about Roller Coaster Tycoon and Purple Panda proposed a general discussion about computer games.)


The More the Merrier?

Suppose the present Muses retire. What would the new Muses be like? Or suppose the present Muses don't retire, but new Muses show up in their neck of the universe anyway. What would happen then? Thanks to Captain Cynomys/Prarilius Canix for the idea for this thread.

Suppose the present Muses retire. What would the new Muses be like? Or suppose the present Muses don’t retire, but new Muses show up in their neck of the universe anyway. What would happen then?

Thanks to Captain Cynomys/Prarilius Canix for the idea for this thread.


Movie Reviews

Have something to say about a movie? Rants, raves and more nuanced responses are welcome. Only please post a "Spoiler Warning" if you'll be giving away the ending or major twists in the plot.

Have something to say about a movie? Rants, raves and more nuanced responses are welcome. Only please post a “Spoiler Warning” if you’ll be giving away the ending or major twists in the plot.


Writing, v. 2006.4

A clean slate for your prose. Write on, MuseBloggers.

A clean slate for your prose. Write on, MuseBloggers.

Poems and Songs, v. 2006.3

'Twas brillig and the slithy toves, quoth the raven, "Nevermore." A continuation of the poems and songs thread because Kuai Zi Angel Pentatonikk asked. A place for your creations or others'.

‘Twas brillig and the slithy toves, quoth the raven, “Nevermore.” A continuation of the poems and songs thread because Kuai Zi Angel Pentatonikk asked. A place for your creations or others’.

Invisible Thread

An invisibility cloak isn't necessarily just the stuff of Harry Potter stories. In last week's Science magazine (where Robert works), theoretical physicists explain how to make invisible cloaks and whatnot — theoretically, at least. You can learn more about invisibility on Professor Ulf Leonhardt's home page or his page on invisibility. So, what would you do if you were invisible?

An invisibility cloak isn’t necessarily just the stuff of Harry Potter stories. In last week’s Science magazine (where Robert works), theoretical physicists explain how to make invisible cloaks and whatnot — theoretically, at least. You can learn more about invisibility on Professor Ulf Leonhardt’s home page or his page on invisibility.

So, what would you do if you were invisible?



States and Countries We’ve Lived In: v. 2006.2

In which MuseBloggers describe where they've lived in the past, present or future. (Because Darth Yoda asked.) Remember, though, no names of cities or towns you currently live in. We want MuseBloggers' identities to remain mysterious. Gigantic cities like Chicago and New York are OK too. If it's got more than a quarter million people living there, you can give the name.

In which MuseBloggers describe where they’ve lived in the past, present or future. (Because Darth Yoda asked.) Remember, though, no names of cities or towns you currently live in. We want MuseBloggers’ identities to remain mysterious. Gigantic cities like Chicago and New York are OK too. If it’s got more than a quarter million people living there, you can give the name.


Towel Day 2006

Reports from Towel Day celebrants throughout the galaxy — at Ebeth's request.

Reports from Towel Day celebrants throughout the galaxy — at Ebeth’s request.

Dreams v. 2006.2

What's happening in the land of Wynken, Blynken and Nod? A thread for your dreams, per Otzi's request.

What’s happening in the land of Wynken, Blynken and Nod? A thread for your dreams, per Otzi’s request.


The Iliad in Haiku

For a recent Muse contest, three talented lasses in Virginia condensed the Iliad into haiku: one verse per book, plus a conclusion. The magazine didn't have room to print it, so the editors sent it to be posted on the blog. Herewith, this amazing feat of distillation, in honor of MuseBlog Haiku Day (Friday, May 19). Respond in haiku, please!

Dear Muse Contest Judges,

The authors of these
Three ladies most beauteous
Sent their warm regards.

These poems are long
But sum the Iliad well
In perfect Haiku!


Carrie F., 15
Emily F., 16
Grace F., 15

Book I
Runner Achilles
Makes Agamemnon real mad
Rage is felt by all

Book II
Catalog of Ships
Is at the end of this Book
We skimmed the surface

Book III
Paris Duels Greek King
Aphrodite saves the prince
Helen laughs at him

Book IV
Trojans break a truce
Quite a large battle ensues
What a big surprise

Book V
Fighting once again
Can’t they all just get along?
Someone dies–guess not.

Book VI
The domestic book
Where we see Hector in Troy
And Paris acts dumb

Book VII
Hector fights Ajax
But don’t get too excited
It ends in a tie

Lightning sent by Zeus
Stops the fighting for awhile
Believe me, not long

Book IX
There is a meeting
They want the runner back now
Achilles please fight

Book X
Two Greek Captains sneak
To the Trojan camp at night
Like little children

Book XI
The fighters make war
Trojans die along with Greeks
“No way out–no end–”

Book XII
Trojan soldiers fight
Despite an evil omen
They really shouldn’t

Sneaky Poseidon
Starts the skirmish up again
Still fighting they are

Book XIV
This book is filled with
Seduction, deceit, and death
This sounds like a soap

Book XV
Hector was wounded
We forgot to mention but
He still kills people

Book XVI
In Runner’s armor
Patroclus will fight and die
His friend will be mad

Ajax slaughters foes
Defending buddy’s body
The Gods help him win

Patroclus has died
Achilles goes all emo
Thetis gets armor

Book XIX
Achilles gets dressed
While all the other Greeks eat
His armor’s shiny

Book XX
Zeus lets the Gods fight
Playground bullies once again
Stealing lunch money

Book XXI
The river is full
Choked with the corpses of men
Such great imagery

Poor Hector is dead
As if we couldn’t have guessed
Blame foreshadowing

Funeral games start
The end is drawing closer
Only one more Book

Why is this book here?
A question much debated
Was Homer crazy?

Summary of Book:
Greeks kill many Trojan guys
Trojans kill Greeks too

History v. 2006.2

Don't get hysterical, get historical.

Don’t get hysterical, get historical.