Friday, 7 March 2025

Chess Problems, Set 3: Checkmate in Two Moves

The theme for this problem set is pins: situations in which a piece cannot move, because it screens a player’s king from check. (Under the rules of chess, you’re never allowed to make a move that puts your own king in check.)

In this simplified position, for example, Black’s rook, bishop, and pawn are all pinned:

[SetUp “1”]
[FEN “3R2rk/6p1/7b/6Q1/3B4/8/r3q4/6KR w – – 0 1”]
[Result “*”]

So White can play either

  • rook takes bishop, checkmate!
  • queen takes bishop, checkmate! or, most dramatically,
  • queen takes pawn, checkmate!

In each case, Black can’t recapture, because the pieces needed to do the job are pinned. So near, and yet so far! (Do you see why, after White plays queen takes pawn, neither Black’s rook nor bishop can capture the queen?)

Now, on to the real problems. Each is a “forced mate in two”: White moves, then Black moves, then White checkmates no matter what Black tries to do:

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Happy Kokonspiracy Day!

It’s today (Friday, June 11), as declared by bookgirl_me. Um, bookgirl, what are we supposed to do, exactly?

Musers Recommend, 2nd edition

A place to note things you think other MBers ought to own, use, or experience.

Continues the original Musers Recommend thread launched in 2007.


KaiYves at the World Science Festival

Okay, as promised, long World Science Festival post, with pictures!

The whole area around NYU was a street fair, with booths set up for different organizations. The NASA area was CRAZY. I met up with my friend Erin, and we did moon jigsaw puzzles, looked at a Mars panorama through 3-D glasses, laid down and had a rover climb over us, and signed a shuttle tire!
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Help Needed!

The Muse contents subpage under “What’s Here” has been updated through March 2010, but the issues keep coming. Anyone who can add contents for the April or May/June issues will have our gratitude. Thanks! (See? There’s some gratitude already.)

Myths and Legends, v. 2010

Considering how much we love them, it’s odd that we haven’t had a new thread like this since

RPG: Superheroes and Mary Sues, Part 4

Continued from Part Three.


Spelling, 2010

The National Spelling Bee is this week in Washington, D.C. No MBers are in it this year as far as we know, but we still like it enough to give it its own thread.


Kmt Pwns!*

This month’s Random thread travels to the ancient land of Kemet, kingdom of the Pharaohs, a country you more likely know as Egypt. Perhaps someone would care to try ens hand at translating the story at the top of the papyrus?

[*The title appears in the cartouche (the oblong enclosure in the picture).] Read more »

Welcome, Neophytes! (June 2010 edition)

If you’re new on the blog, please stop by this thread and say pie — er, hi.

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June 2010 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known MBer birthdays and “K Days” this month:*

06-09 Beetles’s birthday (1999 – purple)
06-12 TreeCafe’s birthday (1997 – green and brown)
06-13 muselover’s birthday (1997 – green)
06-14 Grant O. turns 7,000 days old
06-19 Raynpho’s birthday (1994)
06-19 Elwing (formerly Sam)’s birthday (1994)
06-26 cellogirl26’s birthday (1996)
06-29 Selenium the Quafflebird’s birthday (1996)
06-29 bluefire27’s birthday (1997)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between September 23 and October 22, 1996.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between December 28, 1993, and January 26, 1994.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between April 3 and May 2, 1991.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


Pie War!

Things have been getting too serious around here.


Chess: Tesseract vs. bookgirl_me — 0-1

MuseBlog ratings at the start of the game: Tesseract, 50; bookgirl_me, 260.
Ratings after game: Tess, 40; book girl, 270.

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Happy Towel Day!

May 25. It’s a “Hitchhiker’s Guide” thing. Do you know where your towel is?


MB Games Thread, v. 2010

SudoRandom’s description:

MB Games thread, where people could play games they thought up that are playable on the blog.


RPW 2009: Letters, England, 1874 — Part 2

This Role-Playing Writing may have sputtered out, or it may be about to have new life breathed into it — we’ll soon know which.

Continued from Part One.


Attention, iPhone (et al.) Users!

We’ve just installed a plug-in that’s supposed to make the blog look and behave better on iPhones and other small-screen devices. The documentation says you can toggle between the new and old formats.

We have no idea what it looks like or how well it works, so tell us, please. It’s just an experiment.



Computer and Video Games, v. 3.0

Continued from version 2.0. Only major upgrades to these threads!


Random Thread: Roaring! Part 2

Let the dance go on! Read more »

Poems and Songs, v. 2010

Continued from version 2009.2.

Muse Academy RPG*, Part 8

*Role-playing game.

Continued from Part 7.

Chess: Piggy vs. bookgirl_me — 0-1

Pre-game MuseBlog ratings: Piggy, 210; bookgirl_me, 200. As White, Piggy moves first.

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Chess: cromwell vs. Jakob Wonkychair — 1-0

MuseBlog ratings going into the game: cromwell, 100; JW, 110.

As White, cromwell moves first.
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Solutions to Chess Problems, Set 2

If you feel you’ve stared at chess problem set 2 as much as you can stand, the answers are here.
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Alter Ego Thread, v. 2010.1

Pick a pseudonym; guess who the other pseudonymous posters are while they try to guess you. It’s a little like “Battleship.”

Continued from version 2009.4.

REMINDER: Check your posts before sending them — the preview button is useful for that. The Administrators will not rescue you if you accidentally submit one under your “real” blogname or post elsewhere with your alter ego.