Song Lyrics, Part 4
Continued from Part 3.
Please put a period somewhere early in the post — perhaps after the song title. Otherwise the lyrics will clog the recent comments panel.
Saturday, 11 January 2025
Life, the universe, pies, hot-pink bunnies, world domination, and everything
Continued from Part 3.
Please put a period somewhere early in the post — perhaps after the song title. Otherwise the lyrics will clog the recent comments panel.
Display your knowledge of the books that have replaced the Bible, Shakespeare, Dickens, and Disney as this generation’s source of literary allusions.
Preceded by, but not exactly continued from, Part Three.
Chokoholics, video-game addicts, manga fiends — tell us how you know when you’ve crossed the line.
Continued from version 2009.2.
Rumor has it that a new Paker game is forming.
To see how the last one turned out, check the previous Game Room thread.
If you’re new on the blog, please stop by this thread and say pie — er, hi.
The February random thread and neophytes thread are about to go offline. March threads will appear just after midnight.
Date: February 28, 2011
Categories: Fan Page / MuseBlog business, Random craziness
Comments Off on Attention!
Look carefully at the feet of this runner preparing to compete in Friday’s Tokyo Marathon.
Read more »
Known Muser birthdays and “K Days” this month*:
03-01 Nighthawk’s birthday (1996 – actually February 29!)
03-01 Cat’s Meow’s birthday (1995 – orange)
03-02 Jadestone’s 7K Day
03-04 emmatheduck’s birthday (1993 – carroty)
03-04 bubbles’s birthday (year? – teal)
03-07 bluefire27’s 5K Day
03-23 MontgomeryGurl’s birthday (1991 – blue, sky or light)
03-23 Daisy*chain’s birthday (YEAR? COLOR?)
03-23 Optimatum’s birthday (1996)
03-24 Goldendoodle’s 6K Day
03-26 Shadowkat’s birthday (1991 – black, purple, and silver)
03-26 Clare de Lune’s birthday (1996 – robin’s egg blue, lime green, and chocolate)
03-27 ~Cskia’s birthday (1996 – red, white, blue, black)
03-27 Kokopelli #13’s 6K Day
03-29 Luna the Lovely’s birthday (1990 – pink + light blue)
03-29 Silver Lining’s 5K Day
03-29 Red-tailed HAWK’s 6K Day
03-30 gradster’s birthday (1993)
03-31 The Skipper Nancy’s 7K Day
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between June 23 and July 23, 1997.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between September 27 and October 27, 1994.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between January 1 and January 31, 1992.
*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.
This seems to be getting lost on the Music thread, so we’re reposting it here.
Here’s what UP (a.k.a. Karin) says about it:
This is Niska Banja, a Croatian song. The bug/prim player/other singer is my friend Angela.
Niska Banja-both singers
Croatian 10-Angela
Spanish 10-Both
Russian 10-Karin (UP)
Niska Banja- Both
Many different versions of the lyrics exist, and translations are easy to find online. Basically, it’s about the wild times young men have at a Serbian hot-springs resort called Niska Banja (pronounced “Neeshka Bahnya”) — drinking, dancing, wenching, the usual guy stuff.
Let us know when your issue arrives.
NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.
WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!
To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” columns, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:
Before the day ends, the GAPAs want to thank you again for your services to civilization.
Requested by Cat’s Eye, who wrote, “Can we have a Manifesto thread? Just, like, a thread where people post big philosophical statements they try to live their life by, or epiphanies they just had, or thoughts about life they’ve had rolling around in their brain for a while?”
Two of our favorite things! Now, let’s hear Choklit Orange’s ratatouille recipe.
Continued (loosely speaking) from v. 2009.
A physicist named Michael Hartl wants us all to scrap pi and instead use a mathematical constant he calls tau, which is equal to two times pi. (It’s the circumference of a circle divided by the radius instead of the diameter.)
Tau makes a lot of formulas neater. For example, when you’re describing counterclockwise rotations on a unit circle, does anybody really understand why 180 degrees should be equal to pi? But a full 360-degree revolution equal to tau — that makes sense.
Anyway, we’re semi-convinced, so we’re adding Tau Day to the MuseBlog calendar on June 28. Now somebody has to invent something tasty called a “tau” for us to eat then.
We had fun with this topic on the second January random thread, so let’s give this a try. Post your new calendars, improvements to the existing calendar, new systems of timekeeping, or disquisitions on other ways people have kept track of time in the past.
MBers at all grade levels have been talking about this lately, so we’re giving the topic its own thread.
Triggered by a comment from Vendaval:
We’ve just upgraded to a new version of our comment-liking software, and it replaced all of our pie icons with humdrum thumbs. Never fear — the pies will return. We might not have time to restore them tonight, though.
We regret the inconvenience.