Saturday, 11 January 2025

Attention, Chessplayers!

If you lose interest in a game and know you’re never going to play another move, don’t just leave your opponents waiting and wondering forever. Instead, please resign by clicking the skull-and-crossbones button on the game’s command bar. Then we’ll calculate new ratings, and everybody can move on.

Happy 447th Birthday, William Shakespeare!

You gave us words, and worlds.
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Muse Academy May Ball Planning Thread

The spring formal at Muse Academy brings a touch of class to the school and much-needed relief from end-of-term pressures.

To see how it went last year, consult the 2010 planning thread and the″>2010 ball.


Our Reclusive Gardens, Part 4

The online daydream is continued from Part 3, where you can read a nice, long description of what it’s about.


April Random Thread — Happy New Year! Part 2

Our random thread continues to celebrate the Hindu New Year, as explained in Part One.

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!

Happy Yuri’s Night!

Fifty years ago, on April 12, 1961, Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first human being to orbit the Earth. To commemorate that milestone, we’re creating this thread as a place to discuss space and the day, upload photos, etc.

Also, don’t forget that our virtual Muse Academy Yuri’s Night Party is still in progress. Stop by and eat some crunchy ice cream while there’s still time!


Steampunk Airship RRR/RPG

“The bronze behemoth hung glittering against the clouds, like a second sun of bright metal plates and swooping propellers and huge patched balloons. You couldn’t look at it and say man was never meant to fly.”

Now forming. This sounded more like an RRR ( Round-Robin ‘Riting) on the Suggestion Box thread, but that’s up to you.


Medieval Fantasy RPG

Now forming, by request.


ATTENTION, would-be Texas Kokon-ers

We’ve heard from one parent (non-Texan) and will put her in touch with others once they report in.

This Way to the Museion

We hope you enjoyed our Victorian MuseBlog spoof as much as we did. We’ll leave the Museion online, moderate it, and continue to add new goodies to it. MBers will no longer be automatically directed to it, so you’ll have to go there deliberately. You can find it at (or simply ).

>> In any case, you certainly won’t want to miss Lady Coneyful’s Victorian Muses.

Yr. obd’t. svts.,

The G. & P. A.s

April Random Thread — Happy New Year!

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Welcome, Neophytes! (April 2011 edition)

If you’re new on the blog, please stop by this thread and say pie — er, hi.

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April 2011 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known Muser birthdays and “K Days” this month*:

04-02 THF’s birthday (1995)
04-08 Beavo’s birthday (1995)
04-09 POSOC’s birthday (1994)
04-10 Vendaval’s birthday (1992)
04-11 FantasyFan?!?!’s birthday (1993)
04-17 Grant O.’s birthday (1990)
04-17 bookgirl_me’s birthday (1995)
04-18 Maths Lover ♥ ‘s birthday (1996)
04-18 trust kokopelli’s birthday (1998)
04-22 Piggy’s birthday (1994)
04-23 Ducky’s birthday (1997)
04-24 speller73’s birthday (1995)
04-27 Robert’s 20K Day
04-30 oxlin’s birthday (1990)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between July 24 and August 22, 1997.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between October 28 and November 26, 1994.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between February 1 and March 1, 1992.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


In Memoriam Diana Wynne Jones

The author of Howl’s Moving Castle, the Chrestomaci series, and many other books died on March 26. MuseBlog mourns the passing of one who brought so much magic to the world.

World Travel Adventure RPG, Part 1

Departing the Muse Academy RPG thread for Scotland and points unknown.


Yuri’s Night Party, 2011

Let’s light this candle!

Summary from the Planning Thread for easy reference:

Who: Any MuseBloggers who wish to attend. If you wish to assume the persona of a technician, astronaut, or spy or just create some sort of backstory for yourself, you’re welcome, but it’s not mandatory.

When: March 21st to April 17th, 2011.

Where: On the Yuri’s Night thread. Aboard Space Station Odyssey.


-In general: Foods that use scientific equipment for cooking, like an aspirator, gelatin… freeze-dried “astronaut” foods. (Not that we don’t have gravity, it’s just traditional.)

Fruit, Steamed dough (little soft bread things, Chinese), bread, soup, bruschetta.

Pasta, Salmon/crab/veggie/whatever else puffs (little dough balls with stuffing, kind of like dumplings), puffin puffs sushi…

Cookies, flavored ice, gelato, astronaut ice cream, chocolate fountain…

Made by a machine featuring lots of chemical equipment and tubing.

Food and drinks served by robots. All catering courtesy of Piggy’s Happy Bottom Riding Club. (AKA the Hare and Hedgepig)

Décor: 2001: A Space Odyssey is the general reference. 2011 as seen by 1961.

– The Ballroom: A large ballroom entered through sliding doors in the Star Trek fashion. Models and framed photographs showing the highlights of spaceflight and SF in the past 50 years decorate the room. (Yes, lots of gorgeous Hubble shots) We are aboard a rotating space station, and large floor-to-ceiling “windows” will show the rest of the station, the Earth below, the moon and stars, and every now and then, shuttles and cargo ships flying up to dock with the station. Periodically, there will be announcements over a PA system to announce the “dockings”.

– The Rooftop Garden/The Pleasure Dome: Like the regular rooftop garden, only beneath an immense geodesic dome through which outer space can be seen. There are ornamental plantings, fountains containing statues of the planets, and models of rockets at various fractions of their actual size to stroll amongst. Telescopes are set up to allow guests to view various celestial objects they may find interesting- all are computer controlled, just punch in what you want to see and the scope will orient itself.

Music: A live band, playing a mix of 60s classics, New Age electronica, and any other favorites requested. Any MBer who wishes to drop in and play with the band may. Some specific music featured will include Holst’s The Planets and the music from 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Dress: Futuristic formal. Black suits and ties, glow-in-the-dark dresses, neatly pressed jumpsuits, shirtsleeves with pocket protectors and skinny ties, Starfleet dress uniform, and the like. Go for a 60s feel, but nothing too hippie.

The goings-on: To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Yuri Gagarin’s pioneering spaceflight, and the completion of Space Station Odyssey, various distinguished employees from the space agencies of the world have been invited to enjoy a civilized evening of dancing, music, intelligent conversation, and Earthwatching. (Binoculars provided at windows by wungs.) But keep on your toes, as befits the anniversary of such a prominent Cold War event, espionage and intrigue are in the air…

Happy Spring!

Or autumn, if you’re in the Southern Hemisphere. As you’ll know if you’d looked in the sidebar, the vernal equinox occurs at 2321 Universal Time (that’s 6:21 p.m. blogtime) on Sunday, March 20.


HUGE Moon Tonight (March 19)

The moon is full, and it’s at its closest position in its orbit to Earth. That’s a fairly rare combination (technically called a perigee-syzygy) and means you’ll get a treat if you have a clear night and can catch it on the rise. Stop blogging and look eastward, O Musers!


Chess: Mikazuki vs. Koko’s Apprentice — 0-1

Ready when you are!


April 2011 Muse Roll Call

Let us know when your issue arrives.

NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.


April 2011 Muse Discussion

WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!

To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” columns, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:


1 comment

March Random Thread, Part 2 — Happy New Year!

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Yuri’s Night Party Planning Thread

KaiYves may explain.

Happy Pi Day!

The United States stands almost alone in writing the date March 14 numerically as 3-14. Change the hyphen to a period, and you have the first three digits of pi. Contrived, yes — but any excuse for a party, we say.

(Tau-ists, please hold your peace. Your day will come.)


What I Learned Today, 2011.1

Suggested by Piggy. His description:

We could share factoids we’ve read, advice from personal experience, observations about the world, what-have-you. Everyone learns something new every day, and I’d like a place to share.