Wednesday, 24 April 2024

Category » Ideas

Project Tracking

Hello MB! Oxlin here. I was watching some Nerdfighter videos on the internet, which made me think how it is really cool that the Green brothers have all these projects, tangible things they have created. I would like to make some projects, but sometimes I have a hard time keeping track of them, or having ideas of what to create. I thought it would make sense to have a thread for that. Feel free to use this for collaboration, posting ideas of what to make, track your progress in a large project, etc.


What Next?

Robert writes:

It’s no secret that MuseBlog is more leisurely than it used to be. Just for fun, I took our traffic data for 2009 through 2012, pasted it into a spreadsheet, and graphed it to see what story it might tell. Behold the fruits of my labors:

Graph of blog traffic, 2009-2013

According to the trend line on the second graph, the number of posts here should reach zero any day now. And then what?!

Read more »


Doctor Seaweed Stink requested this thread. Please post carefully. Try not to get too grim or morbid, okay? As the good Doctor pointed out, everybody dies, so you might as well be able to talk about it.

We’ll kick it off (by the way, “kick off” is one of many euphemisms for “die”) with a comment Dr. S. S. posted on the random thread:

Here’s a HypQuest about death that the Chatterbox did not admit.

1. What would you do if your best friend floated up to you in the form of a ghost and said, “Hi, it’s me, (friend’s name), and I died in a car crash. Only you and a few other people can see me as a ghost. Can I stay with you until I figure out how to manage my new afterlife?”?

I’d say, “Sure! It’s too bad you’re dead, but it’s cool that you became a ghost. Come on in!”


Bunny Apocalypse: The Novel?!

A thread for planning.

What I Learned Today, 2011.1

Suggested by Piggy. His description:

We could share factoids we’ve read, advice from personal experience, observations about the world, what-have-you. Everyone learns something new every day, and I’d like a place to share.



A place to collaborate on constructing imaginary locations as settings for stories, or just for fun.

Things We Like and/or Don’t Like, v. 2010.1

Requested by Alice, who points out that we haven’t had a thread like this for a long time. (There may be some overlap with “Rants and Complaints,” “Good News,” “Guilty Pleasures,” and “Things of Which We Are Unreasonably Fond,” however.)


Hot Topics, v. 2009.5

This thread is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions of difficult topics. It is not a place for having two-fisted no-holds-barred discussions.

MBers should be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally, and be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.

Easier said than done, of course. But MuseBlog is a good place to practice trying.

Continued from version 2009.4.


Hot Topics, v. 2009.4

This thread is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions of difficult topics. It is not a place for having two-fisted no-holds-barred discussions.

MBers should be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally, and be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.

Easier said than done, of course. But MuseBlog is a good place to practice trying.

Continued from version 2009.3.


Religion and Religions, v. 2009.2

Continued from version 2009.1.

Reminder: This is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions. We expect MBers to be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally AND to be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.


Hot Topics, v. 2009.3

This thread is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions of difficult topics. It is not a place for having two-fisted no-holds-barred discussions.

MBers should be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally, and be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.

Easier said than done, of course. But MuseBlog is a good place to practice trying.

Continued from version 2009.2.


Hot Topics, v. 2009.2

For topics that need to be handled with extra care. NO FLAMING.

Continued from version 2009.1.


Alternate History

A.k.a. counterfactual history: by overwhelming popular request, a thread for discussing things that didn’t happen and how the world might have been different if they had.


February 2008 2009 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: The weather

Coming up: Cool places we’ve been to or want to go to

Hot Topics, v. 2009.1

For topics that need to be handled with extra care. NO FLAMING.

Continued from version 2008.


Religion and Religions, v. 2009.1

Continued from version 2008.3.

Reminder: This is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions. We expect MBers to be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally AND to be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.


January 2009 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

A new year, a blank slate!

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: Silly laws

December 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: Snow, and things to do in/with it
Holiday “wish” lists

Holiday Reform

With Halloween just past and a cluster of holidays (starting with Veterans’/Remembrance Day) coming up, now is a good time to think about which ones are worthwhile and how the others might be improved.

Thanksgiving and Halloween seem solidly popular and well programmed. But what are we supposed to do on Presidents’ Day? Or Flag Day? Or Columbus Day, for that matter? Should we cross them off the calendar, or figure out ways to make them more meaningful and/or fun? Likewise, what new holidays should be added, and which now-obscure holidays deserve to be more widely celebrated? We’re sure Musers will have plenty of ideas.


Election Aftermath, Politics, and All That Jazz

We think the discussion deserves a new chapter (and a location other than the Random Thread).


November 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: Puzzles and riddles

Hot Topics, v. 2008

For topics that need to be handled with extra care. NO FLAMING.

Continued from version 2007.8.



Last month conversation at the H&H turned to the subject of creative alphabets and shorthand techniques. Do you use special symbols or abbreviations when you take notes? We'll extend the question to include alphabets, invented languages, or any idiosyncratic note-taking habits. See inside for a shorthand system created by Nora the Violist.

Last month conversation at the H&H turned to the subject of creative alphabets and shorthand techniques. Do you use special symbols or abbreviations when you take notes? We’ll extend the question to include alphabets, invented languages, or any idiosyncratic note-taking habits.

To start off, here’s a shorthand system created by Nora the Violist.

July 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: haircuts
favorite stores
crazy ways MBers decorate their rooms

June 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: The Beatles
Odd Characters We Know

(Coming soon: Places We Want to Visit During Our Lifetimes)