Towel Day 2015
Many happy returns of the day to all you hoopy froods who know where your towels are.
Happy 451st Birthday, William Shakespeare!
We think one of your lines says it all:
What fools these mortals be!
And the rest is silence.
Happy Pi Day!
It’s 3/14/15 according to the American date-writing convention, and this thread is set to go live at 9:26. At some point between 53 and 54 seconds later, the world will experience (or will have experienced, depending on when you read this) Pi Moment.
And there was much rejoicing!
In Memoriam: Terry Pratchett
-Terry Pratchett, 1948-2015
Date: March 12, 2015
Categories: Articles and Posts by MBers, Non-Muse news, The Universe, Things We like
In Memoriam: Leonard Nimoy
In my heart
Is the seed of the tree
Which will be me.
Nourished by understanding
Warmed by friends
Fed by loved ones
Matured by wisdom
Tempered by tears.
–Leonard Nimoy (1931-2015)
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Project Tracking
Hello MB! Oxlin here. I was watching some Nerdfighter videos on the internet, which made me think how it is really cool that the Green brothers have all these projects, tangible things they have created. I would like to make some projects, but sometimes I have a hard time keeping track of them, or having ideas of what to create. I thought it would make sense to have a thread for that. Feel free to use this for collaboration, posting ideas of what to make, track your progress in a large project, etc.
Date: February 24, 2015
Categories: Articles and Posts by MBers, Experiments, Ideas, Random craziness
“The Embi Family†(Round-Robin Scripting) – Part 2
Copied from the previous thread: “This group project started on the “Partial Scripts†thread and quickly became popular enough to warrant a thread of its own.
Making a new post to continue this because A) The old post is from 2010, B) it has 428 comments and is super long, and C) I’m determined to never let this die as long as I am still here. For those of you that weren’t around when this was first active, I’d definitely recommend going back and reading the scripts/scenes on the old thread. They’re great for laughs and a flashback of the past of this flamabulous little community we have here.
Lists, Lists, Lists (v. 2015)
Things to do:
1. Check the original Lists thread.
2. Find out what it’s all about and how to do it.
3. Return here.
4. Make lists.
April Fools’ Day Planning Thread
As you know, MuseBlog likes to do something special to celebrate April 1. Last year, we Administrators have been crunched for time, so we reopened the popular SquidBlog. That’s what we’re planning to do again this year unless enterprising MBers intervene.
Here’s what we’re thinking: As Millennials, you all are famously computer-literate, and some of you even have degrees in computer science. So if you were to collaborate, you could probably cook up a pretty amazing April Fools’ Day website. On the big day, we could redirect MuseBlog traffic to the new site, and at the end of the day we could switch it back. Sound like fun?
Or we could all be space squids again. That option has much to recommend it, too. The way we see it, we really can’t lose. Thoughts?
Random Thread Planning Thead
ATTENTION, MBers! Your favorite story, series, or saga can grace a monthly random thread this year. All you have to do is describe it briefly and suggest a pretty image to accompany it. Better yet, upload the picture yourself and create a draft of the thread (as a post saved as “Status: Draft”), and we’ll schedule it for a month this year.
Music, v. 2015
Listening, playing, performing, composing.
Continued from v. 2014
Date: January 12, 2015
Categories: Articles and Posts by MBers, Life, The Universe, Things We like
Quotations, v. 2015
Continued from v. 2012
Date: January 12, 2015
Categories: Articles and Posts by MBers, Life, Nonrandom Craziness, The Universe
GAPA mini-Kokonvention, January 2015
Robert writes:
Rosanne is in town visiting her parents, so naturally I jumped at the chance to see them all yesterday. We ate rugelach and strange chocolate laced with hot peppers and Pop Rocks, and then Rosanne and I posed for a photos with a little ceramic Kokopelli trivet.
At first, we had trouble sitting still.
Our faces were the last things to settle down.
Finally the picture fell into place.
Happy New Year!
How’s 2015 working out for you so far? What are your hopes and plans for the year? Reflections? Resolutions? Better write them down while they’re still fresh and new: that squeaky-clean feeling fades fast.