Friday, 7 March 2025

Happy Birthday, Sweet Melpomene!

A MuseBlogger since March 2006 (when she was known as frankenfaerie), Mel turns 23 years old today.

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September 2013 Random Thread: NOT the End

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September 2013 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known Muser birthdays and “K Days” this month*:

09-01 Ambystoma Maculatum’s birthday (1996)
09-04 Choklit Orange’s birthday (1997)
09-05 Ebeth’s 8K Day
09-13 Catwings’ birthday (2001)
09-15 The Man For Aeiou’s birthday (1995)
09-17 Castle’s birthday (1997)
09-18 Sweet Melpomene’s birthday (1990)
09-19 International Talk Like a Pirate Day
09-22 q’s birthday (1999)
09-23 Agrrrfishi’s 7K Day
09-24 Zinc’s birthday (1997)
09-25 Ducky’s 6K Day

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between December 25, 1999. and January 23, 2000.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between March 30 and April 28, 1997.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between July 4 and August 2, 1994.

You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in March.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


Geeky TV Shows, v. 2013

We’ve been piggybacking on the 2012 thread far too long. With so many MBers watching geeky TV shows, it’s time for 2013 to have a thread of its own. Herewith:


Back to School, 2013

Really? Back to school already?

So it seems. And so we have things to talk about.


Harry Potter’s Chess Game

As mentioned on the August 2013 random thread (and in Robert’s article “Harry Potter’s Chess Teacher” in the September 2002 issue of Muse), here is the game finale that international master Jeremy Silman composed for the movie “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.”

Harry is the bishop on a3, Ron is the knight on g5, and Hermione is the rook on f8. Ron sacrifices himself on h3 so that Harry can win the game and keep pursuing the villain.

[SetUp “1”]
[FEN “5r1k/1pN1R1pp/1Pb5/n1r1P1n1/7N/b2p4/7P/1R1Q2K1 w – – 0 1”]
[CBBWhiteId “*”]
[CBBBlackId “*”]
[Result “0-1”]
1.Qxd3 Rc3 2.Qxc3 Nh3 3.Qxh3 Bc5+ 4.Qe3 Bxe3++

And here’s the alternative scenario that Ron rejected: one in which he could sacrifice Harry and win the game himself:

[SetUp “1”]
[FEN “5r1k/1pN1R1pp/1Pb5/n1r1P1n1/7N/b2p4/7P/1R1Q2K1 w – – 0 1”]
[CBBWhiteId “*”]
[CBBBlackId “*”]
[Result “0-1”]
1.Qxd3 Rc3 2.Qxc3 Bc5+ 3.Qxc5 Nh3++

Happy Eighth Birthday, MuseBlog!

[This was originally on the August 2013 random thread, but we’ve moved it here because it was too nice to part with. The birthday wishes are still over there, however.]
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August Random Thread: Checkmate!

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August 2013 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known Muser birthdays this month*:

1 August – MuseBlog (2005), Armada (1996)
5 August – Adeliae’s 6K Day
7 August – Koppar (1996)
21 August – Alice (1993)
27 August – Errata (1996), Rainbow*Storm (1997)
30 August – Thief of Light (1998)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between November 24 and December 24, 1999.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between February 27 and March 29, 1997.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between June 3 and July 3, 1994.
You turn 8,000 days old this month if you were born between September 7 and October 7, 1991.

You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in February.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.

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Doctor Seaweed Stink requested this thread. Please post carefully. Try not to get too grim or morbid, okay? As the good Doctor pointed out, everybody dies, so you might as well be able to talk about it.

We’ll kick it off (by the way, “kick off” is one of many euphemisms for “die”) with a comment Dr. S. S. posted on the random thread:

Here’s a HypQuest about death that the Chatterbox did not admit.

1. What would you do if your best friend floated up to you in the form of a ghost and said, “Hi, it’s me, (friend’s name), and I died in a car crash. Only you and a few other people can see me as a ghost. Can I stay with you until I figure out how to manage my new afterlife?”?

I’d say, “Sure! It’s too bad you’re dead, but it’s cool that you became a ghost. Come on in!”


July Random Thread: Tomorrowlands That Never Made It

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July 2013 “Happy Birthday” Thread

Known MBer birthdays and “K Days” this month:*

July 03 Kokonilly’s birthday (1996)
July 05 shadowfire’s birthday (1996)
July 06 Keiffer’s 6K Day
July 09 Lizzie’s birthday (1991)
July 10 Koko’s Apprentice’s birthday (1996)
July 13 Rosebud2’s birthday (1998)
July 16 Bibliophile’s birthday (1998)
July 18 Fortune Cell’s birthday (1992)
July 22 IBCF’s birthday (1993)
July 26 Agrrrfishi’s birthday (1994)
July 29 Tesseract’s 7K Day
July 31 Agent Hippie’s birthday (1997)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between October 24 and November 23, 1999.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between January 27 and February 26, 1997.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between May 3 and June 2, 1994.
You turn 8,000 days old this month if you were born between August 7 and September 6, 1991.
And beyond that, we stop counting.

You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in January.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.

Suggestion Box, v. 2013

Continued from v. 2011.1.

HTML Practice & Typographic Tricks, v. 2013

The last one of these threads was a while ago, but it looks as if we need a new one.

Spare the other threads; experiment here.

Movies, v. 2013

Remember to post spoiler warnings, please!

Continued from Movies, v. 20012.


Books and Reading, v. 2013

Continued from v. 2012.

Muse Academy Game Room, v. 2013

Repaired, repainted, reinforced, and ready for Paker!

Continued, after a considerable lapse, from the 2011 Game Room thread.

Happy National Doughnut Day!

Yes, it’s commercially driven. No, it has no official standing. On the other hand, if you look around a little, you just might be able to snag a free doughnut.


Happy 5.846K Day, ZNZ!

That’s a roundabout way of saying that ZNZ turned 16 yesterday (Sunday, June 2) when the GAPAs were offline and too distracted to post a notice. The June “Happy Birthday!” Thread is open for congratulations. Meanwhile, ZNZ, our apologies.

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June Random Thread: Cats and Dogs

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June 2013 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known MBer birthdays and “K Days” this month:*

06-02 ZNZ’s birthday (1997)
06-02 Shadowkat’s 8K Day
06-04 Drama Llama’s birthday (1999)
06-07 POSOC turns 7,000 days old
06-09 Beetles’s birthday (1999)
06-13 muselover’s birthday (1997)
06-15 bookgirl_me turns 7,000 days old
06-20 Piggy turns 7,000 days old
06-29 Selenium the Quafflebird’s birthday (1996)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between September 24 and October 23, 1999.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between December 28, 1996, and January 26, 1997.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between April 2 and May 2, 1994.
You turn 8,000 days old this month if you were born between July 7 and August 6, 1991.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.

Happy Towel Day!

Dedicated to the memory and works of Douglas Adams.

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Just Friends (or Family, Workmates, etc.), v. 2013

Most of our interactions with other people are non-romantic. Here’s a place to discuss relationships that belong to that usually silent majority.

Continued from Just Friends, v. 2011.


What I Learned Today, 2013-2016

Piggy’s description:

We could share factoids we’ve read, advice from personal experience, observations about the world, what-have-you. Everyone learns something new every day, and I’d like a place to share.

Continued from v. 2012.

Random Thread, May 2013 — One Issue to Rule Them All

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