April Random Disneyâ„¢ Thread
OK, here’s the good news: Muse and MuseBlog have been taken over by Disney™! Isn’t that great? Now we can all have loads of fun! At Disney™, we know all about fun! And don’t worry about your plans for world domination — we know all about that, too!
Of course, you’ll notice some changes now that Mickey Muse Blog™ is part of the Magic Kingdom™. For example, you’re not Musers anymore — you’re MouseKokoteers™! Swell, huh? And your moderators aren’t GAPAs anymore — they’re DAPAs (Disney™ Aggressively Perky Administrators). And now that they’re Disney™ employees, they’ll be chipper and cheerful all the time. They have to be!
Well, I guess that’s enough for now. Settle on in and enjoy Mickey Muse Blog™! We’re sure you’ll like it here. After all, it’s Disney™!
(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)
New Disney™ rules coming soon!
Click here for a big surprise!
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