Wednesday, 26 June 2024

Category » The Musiverse

The Hare & Hedgepig, Vol. I, No. 5

As a Courtesy to Your Fellow Patrons, Please Leave All Electronic Devices and Projectile Pastries with Our Pie Check Department Formal Dress Required
Continued from Vol. I, No. 4.

Continued from Vol. I, No. 4.

Wungs, Part 2

Prarilius Canix’s original description:

A thread to discuss wungs. What are wungs, you may ask? Animal, vegetable, mineral, subatomic particle? Nobody knows. Yet. This thread could be a place to post recent wung sightings and theories, and to cross-check them with other people.

By now, a fair number of MBers have acquired wung companions, formed the International Wung Appreciation Society, and started planning a campaign to raise awareness of wung-related issues.

Continued from Wungs.

Ships’ Logs: Beyond Museica, Part 12

The Musiversal saga will soon be as long as the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Gilgamesh Epic, the Divine Comedy, and the Faerie Queene combined.

Continued from Part 11.

Ask the GAPAs, No. 6

You ask, we (sometimes) answer. What’s on your mind?

Continued from No. 5.

Bunny Apocalypse, Part 3

Continued from Part Two.

Muse Academy RPG*, Part 4

*Role-playing game.

Continued from Part 3.

Off With Their Heads! The Origins and Culture of HPBs — Part 3

MBers probe deeper and deeper into the revolting mysteries of the hot-pink bunnies.

Continued from Part Two.

IBCF’s video shows how much is at stake here.

WARNING: PotentiallyDecidedly disturbing content within. :idea:

The Hare & Hedgepig: Vol. I, No. 4

As a Courtesy to Your Fellow Patrons, Please Leave All Electronic Devices and Projectile Pastries with Our Pie Check Department Formal Dress Required
Continued from Vol. I, No. 3.

Continued from Vol. I, No. 3.

Muse Academy Student Lounge

Part 2008.1.

The lounge is on campus and is open to students from all houses. It’s much more informal than the Hare & Hedgepig (to say the least). Amenities include a refrigerator and all sorts of games, including a nicely broken in Paker deck. A good place to unwind from academics and to mingle with members of other houses.


May Day Ball — Part 2

Muse Academy’s big spring event, continued from Part 1.

The Organizing Committee thread contains useful reference information, such as a menu of hors d’oeuvres and pictures of some of the gowns students are wearing.

If you need a break from the music and dancing, you can skip upstairs to the rooftop garden.

May Day Ball — Rooftop Garden (Part 2)

Just upstairs from the ball, dancers will fine peace and quiet (sometimes) and a lovely moonlit view of the North Atlantic Ocean. Continued from Part 1.

Bunny Apocalypse, Part 2

A leporine role-playing game of surpassing violence, continued from Part 1.

Life on the Pieceful Pie Planet, Part 9

The idyll continues from Part 8.

May Day Ball — Rooftop Garden (Part 1)

Just upstairs from the ballroom: fresh air and a respite from dancing and music.

Muse Academy RPG*, Part 3

*Role-playing game, of course.

Continued from Part 2, also of course.

Muse Academy May Day Ball (Part 1)

It’s the biggest event of the academic year — a celebration of light and warmth and spring and youth and (who knows?) romance, awaited all winter, longed for, laboriously prepared for, and now, at long last, here. The decorations are up, the food is ready, the musicians are practiced, rested, and in tune.

The ball lasts just a few hours in Musiverse time but might take all month to unfold in blog time. And before it begins, we hear, a very special event is scheduled to take place.

Now, in true RPG spirit, the rest is up to you…

Other Muse Academies

For planning, explicating, writing about, and/or role-playing in Muse Academies other than the one near Iceland where the GAPAs teach.

The Hare & Hedgepig: Vol. I, No. 3

As a Courtesy to Your Fellow Patrons, Please Leave All Electronic Devices and Projectile Pastries with Our Pie Check Department Formal Dress Required Continued from Vol. I, No. 2.

Continued from Vol. I, No. 2.

Useful Muse Academy Links and Information

It seems like a good time to collect these in one place for the benefit of newcomers and the terminally confused (i.e., everybody).

Ebeth’s Muse Academy House Placement Quiz:

May Day Ball organizing committee:

House Songs
– by POSOC:
– by Cat’s Meow’s (1): Other Spector House Song (by Cat’s Meow)
– by Cat’s Meow (2):
Lasley (by Kagcomix):

*The Coontz House song is officially unofficial until something better comes along. It’s pretty good, though, so that may take a while.

Other MA-related music:
House Sorting Song (by Cat’s Meow):

May Day Ball — Organizing Committee

The ball, like Muse Academy, exists in the Musiverse, not the universe. But that’s never stopped us before. Planning has already begun on the Hare-athon random thread. Let’s shift it here.

Bunny Apocalypse, Part 1

Requested by groundhog22, for whom a Bunny Melee apparently wasn’t enough.

We *shudder* to think what lies in store for this thread.

Bulletin from Muse Academy

Anyone interested in pie kwan do classes may sign up now in the Patissical Education Department.

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Chronicles of Museica, Part the Seventh

Continued from Part the Sixth, to which the indubitably confused reader is hereby referred.

The Hare & Hedgepig: Vol. I, No. 2

This edition includes the opening rounds of Paker, also known as Iceland Hold 'Em. Continued from Vol. I, No. 1.

Continued from Vol. I, No. 1.

The Hare & Hedgepig: Vol. I, No. 1

The grand opening of MuseBlog's own virtual tea room.