Bunny Apocalypse: The Next Generation — Part 6
MBers go through these threads like potato chips. Continued from Part 5.
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Life, the universe, pies, hot-pink bunnies, world domination, and everything
MBers go through these threads like potato chips. Continued from Part 5.
I decided to make this statement a separate thread rather than disrupt the Romance and Relationships thread any further. Furthermore, athough the following is mostly in response to the discussion on that thread, its substance pertains to many other instances. Read more »
This is the game played entirely with kings, queens, and pawns. Read more »
Stonehenge, Angkor Wat, and the Great Pyramid have nothing on this joint literary project.
Continued (of course) from TERRA Formed, Part 1: The Edit — continued.
A thread for discussing non-romantic relationships.
Continued from Just Friends, v. 2008.1.
This madness most exquisitely lexical leads us dizzied and dazzled into Part 2 of the June Random Thread, where over and under the warp of being we weave the weft of words. Read more »
The Irishman had a way with words.
The girl goes dancing there
On the leaf-sown, new-mown, smooth
Grass plot of the garden;
Escaped from bitter youth,
Escaped out of her crowd,
Or out of her black cloud.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer!If strange men come from the house
To lead her away, do not say
That she is happy being crazy;
Lead them gently astray;
Let her finish her dance,
Let her finish her dance.
Ah, dancer, ah, sweet dancer!
A thread on which Musers who have written, are writing, or want to write books can share excerpts and bounce ideas off others.
Continued from v. 2009.1.
A writer should always have on hand a place to jot down ideas for plots, characters, settings, images, and other random literary elements as they come to mind. This thread is a place to jot down similar sorts of notions, with the difference that these are the ideas you doubt you’ll ever use yourself.
JJjetplane-girlw/cats made the suggestion:
You know it would be awesome to have a thread where we just come up with ideas for other people (if we don’t have time, or get inspiration if we’re stuck). I know that I get random ideas in my head all the time, and being able to tell everyone about them means they at least get a chance. Plus, if anyone is stuck on a topic for their story, they can read up for inspiration.
For planning, explicating, writing about, and/or role-playing in Muse Academies other than the one near Iceland where the GAPAs teach.
Continued from Part One.
Date: June 6, 2009
Categories: Nonrandom Craziness, RRRs, RPWs, and RPGs, The Musiverse
One nice thing about this new chess software is that it can handle non-standard layouts like these: Read more »
We’ve found some software that lets you enter moves with your mouse, directly on the board. Just click on the piece you want to move, and then on the square to which you want to move it. Easy, no? Try it!
This board won’t save your moves for other people to see. (At least, the documentation says it won’t. We can’t tell.) To make it do that, you need a MuseBlog chessplayer’s account with a password. Then you could log in and play your opponent without having to post your moves for an Administrator to enter. We can make those accounts if there’s enough interest. Note that a valid email address is required.
What do you think? Comments, please:
Larry Gonick fans will know (and lament) that Larry’s non-Muse Web comic came to a standstill after discovery.com stopped publishing it. But be of good cheer: “Raw Materials” is now back in business at www . simple-talk .com/author/larry-gonick/
The title of the June Random Thread (from the Greek words logos, “word,” and mania, “madness,” used as a suffix meaning “an infatuation with or passion for something”) celebrates words and language in all their giddy vertiginous kaleidoscopic splendiferous wonderfulness. Read more »
Are you new to MuseBlog? Make this your first stop. We’ve got some pie fresh out of the oven, and friendly locals ready to answer your questions and help you feel at home.
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