Classical Music
Requested by cellogirl26, who adds: “Not classic rock, either. Classical!”
Wednesday, 15 January 2025
Life, the universe, pies, hot-pink bunnies, world domination, and everything
Forty years ago this month, Apollo 11 astronauts landed on Earth’s moon. In commemoration of the historic anniversary, MuseBlog dedicates the July random threads to moons and moonlets everywhere. After all, the word “month” comes from “moon.” What could be more apt? Read more »
Are you new to MuseBlog? Make this your first stop. We’ve got some pie fresh out of the oven, and friendly locals ready to answer your questions and help you feel at home.
Read more »
Help others navigate the blog by signposting your favorite threads here, when they’ve scrolled off the main page. (Making you re-request these every month helps to weed out the no-longer-fit.) Maybe we’ll actually manage to paste a few of them in this month. Read more »
Known MBer birthdays this month:*
July 03 Kokonilly’s birthday (1996 – light blue/lime green)
July 05 shadowfire’s birthday (1996)
July 07 TNÖ’s birthday (1993 – green)
July 09 Lizzie’s birthday (1991)
July 15 the mole’s birthday
July 19 La Mort, La Vie, L’Amour’s birthday (1992 – black, silver, and red)
July 20 Silver Lining’s birthday (1997 – lime green and silver)
July 21 Moo I’m a Cow’s birthday (1995)
July 22 IBCF’s birthday (1993)
July 26 Agrrrfishi’s birthday (1994 – sky blue, navy, and bubblegum pink)
July 28 Amelia Peabody’s birthday (1992 – charcoal)
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between October 24 and November 23, 1995.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between January 27 and February 26, 1993.
You turn 7,000 days old this month if you were born between May 4 and June 3, 1990.
You will have been on MuseBlog for six months if you started posting in January.
*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.
Purple Panda Cat’s Eye is looking for an opponent for a game of online chess.
bookworm wants to play Capablanca-style chess. (That’s the version with two extra pieces, described a couple of dozen threads below.)
Anyone up for either of them?
Continued from Quotations, 2009.2, after that thread erupted into a heated religious discussion.
WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!
To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” columns, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:
Let us know when your issue arrives. NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.
*Role-playing game, for those who have been in suspended animation since the 1970s.
Time travel, blasters, light-sabers called something else, and the whole shebang, by overwhelming popular demand. Possibly descended from an idea that Enceladus and Armada hatched here and here, possibly not.
The Woven Beyond takes a clockwise turn of 90 degrees as it winds up the month with Part 3 of the Random Thread. Read more »
Always looking for ways to improve our beloved blog, the Administrators have decided to try something new: We’re pulling the under-used Muse Academy Student Lounge off the main body of the blog. It will still be accessible to anyone who has been posting on MuseBlog for at least six months (“paleophytes,” if you will). To visit it, you’ll have to register and then log in using a password. Along with the lounge, we’re creating a companion thread for discussing the experiment. Read more »
At long last, here they are. Introducing the Boston Kokonventioneers… Read more »
Date: June 24, 2009
Categories: Fan Page / MuseBlog business, Kokonventions, Sound and images
Or winter, for MBers in the Southern Hemisphere. Today (June 21) is the solstice, which marks the official start of it, in either case.
Continued from Quotations, 2009.1.
Anyone who doesn’t want to argue about the existence or nonexistence of God had better go to Quotations 2009.3.
Reminder: As is the case with all threads dealing with potentially contentious subject matter, this is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions, not brawls. We expect MBers to be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally, AND to be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.
Easier said than done, of course. But, as we’ve said before, MuseBlog is a good place to practice trying.
This thread is a place for careful, clear, respectful discussions of difficult topics. It is not a place for having two-fisted no-holds-barred discussions.
MBers should be able to express their opinions without attacking others personally, and be able to listen to people who disagree with them without feeling personally attacked.
Easier said than done, of course. But MuseBlog is a good place to practice trying.
Continued from version 2009.2.