Thursday, 16 January 2025

Happy Birthday, Carl Sagan!

The planetary scientist and space guru would have been 78 years old today.


Alter Ego Thread, v. 2008.8

Post under a false name, and try to guess who other posters are.

Continued from v. 2008.7.

NOTE: Check your posts before sending them. The Administrators will not rescue you if you accidentally submit one under your “real” blogname. Many an alter ego has fallen victim to a careless “submit” click.


Let’s Get Physiognomical, 2008.2

A thread whereon MuseBloggers can guess what other MBers look like, continued from 2008.1.


MuseBlog Signatures 2008

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Friday, November 21, 2008* Further information about creating and sending signatures can be found on the previous thread. List of signatures inside. *By that we mean, if it's in the Inbox when we wake up the morning of the 22nd, you're in. For snail mail participants, we'll accept them if postmarked by the 21st, but let us know to expect it.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS: Friday, November 21, 2008*

Further information about creating and sending signatures can be found on the previous thread.

*By that we mean, if your signature is in the Inbox when we wake up the morning of the 22nd, you’re in. For snail mail participants, we’ll accept them if postmarked by the 21st, but let us know to expect it.

Signatures we’ve received:

Cliff Eagle
Eccentric the Afterthought
Luna the Lovely
Midnight Fiddler
Nora the Violist
Purple Panda
Queen Francois
Red-tailed HAWK
The Guy Your Parents Warned You About
Zinc the sorceress

The following have requested we use their previous signature unless they change their minds:

Cat’s Meow
Kiki the Great
Taiwan Hippo Fan

Waiting for:

the mole

Many, though not all, of the signatures can be seen in one of my Photobucket albums. It’s not a public album, but guests should be able to log in with the following password: woodnesse


Election Aftermath, Politics, and All That Jazz

We think the discussion deserves a new chapter (and a location other than the Random Thread).


Off With Their Heads! The Origins and Culture of HPBs — Part 5

Limning the Luciferian logic of the leporine legions.

Continued from Part Four.

WARNING: Excruciatingly disturbing content within. :idea:


Song Parodies

By popular request.


The Leaf Pile, Part 1

Jump into the November random thread!

Jump into the November random thread!

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

November 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: Puzzles and riddles

Welcome, Neophytes! (November 2008 edition)

New to MuseBlog? Then stop right in at this thread, and friendly bloggers will welcome you warmly with pies (or coolly, if refrigerated pies are in stock today) and help you find your way around. Don’t bother to duck; they never miss.

Please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog), which contains helpful hints regarding local customs, lingo, and other peculiarities of the blog; smiley information included.

Don’t Forget These Threads (November 2008 edition)

Help others navigate the blog by signposting your favorite threads here, when they’ve scrolled off the main page. As always, we start this thread anew from scratch every month.

(Note: Please include the URL (Web address) with your requests. It also helps if you limit your requests to a few at a time, four or five at the most.)

Current categories:

Chronicles of Museica (badrang)

College/University/Higher Education (Axa)
Vegetarians, Vegetarianism, Vegetables, and Vegemite (Midnight Fiddler)
Just Friends (Zinc)

Stupid Senseless Smiley Stories [SSSS] (Midnight Fiddler)
Coy Woodnesse (kiwimuncher)
Round Robin Smileys (Koko’s Apprentice, Zinc)

Our Reclusive Gardens (kiwimuncher, Zinc)
Wungs (Zinc)

Bunny Apocalypse: The Next Generation (Armada, Zinc)
RPG Alternative (Steampunk Jungle) (Koko’s Apprentice, Zinc)
Muse Academy (Zinc)

Sea Roc (kiwimuncher)


Visual Arts (Purple Panda)
History (Purple Panda)
Song Lyrics (Syllabub, Midnight Fiddler, Zinc)
Cooking and Food (Taiwan Hippo Fan)
Harry Potter Trivia-Off (Luna the Lovely)
Lord of the Rings (LadyG)
Monty Python (Zinc)
Dreams (Zinc)

Suggestion Box
Last Month’s DFTT
HG2MB v.2008.1

Comment or cast your vote on the Letter to Muse in progress on the October 2008 Muse Discussion thread.

November 2008 “Happy Birthday” Thread

11-09 Phoebe’s birthday (1993)
11-12 lifewithoutanipod’s birthday (1993 – black or very dark green)
11-16 Kiwimuncher’s birthday (19__? – green)
11-18 Cello-Playing Mathematician birthday (1993 – violet)
11-24 peary moppins’s birthday (1997 – blue)
11-26 kt the gr8’s birthday (year? – green)
11-27 Purple Panda’s birthday (1991 – purple)
11-27 Birthday of Vixen in the Eyes of the Moon (1992 – ruby red)
11-27 curious and questioning’s birthday (1993 – green)
11-27 Cinnamon Moon’s birthday (1994 – yellow)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between February 24 and March 25, 1995.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between May 30 and June 28, 1992.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


NaNoWriMo 2008

November is National Novel Writing Month. If you don’t know what that is, you haven’t been here very long.

Good luck, novelists! May the Muses guide you.


Happy Halloween!

The festive Halloweeny colors on the blog are just temporary. Enjoy them, and don’t worry…

…or do! MWAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha…..

O Canada!

By request of Kagcomix, a thread about Canada. About time, eh?

By request of Kagcomix, a thread about Canada. About time, eh?

Ô Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux,
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux!
Car ton bras sait porter l’épée,
Il sait porter la croix!
Ton histoire est une épopée
Des plus brillants exploits.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée,
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits.


Tricks and Treats, Part 3

There is something so haunting about heading into the third monthly random thread....

There is something so haunting about heading into the third monthly random thread….

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

Our Reclusive Gardens, Part 2

This online daydream started with a comment by oxlin:

Bah. I’m sick of society. I want to go live in a shack somewhere with Teal and not pollute and eat mushrooms and herbs we gather and carrots we grow and draw and write and be happy.

Where would you rather be right now?

Continued from Part One.


November/December 2008 Muse Discussion

WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!

To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” columns, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:



November/December 2008 Muse Roll Call

Let us know when your issue arrives. NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.


MuseBlog Chess, v. 4

Most games on previous chess threads have gone inactive. We’ll move those still in progress to this thread to keep them visible.

Board 1: The Bookworm (White) vs. earthgirl Robert (Black)
1. d4 g5
2. e3 h6
3. c3 Nc6
4. g3 Bg7
5. a3 d5
6. Nf3 Nf6
7. Bd2 a6
8. Bd3 Bh3
9. Bf1 Bxf1
10. Rxf1 Qd7

Board 2: bookgirl_me (White) vs. Robert (Black)
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nf6
3. Nc3 Nc6
4. d3 Bb4
5. Bd2 d6
6. a3 Bc5
7. Be2 Nd4
8. O-O 0-0
9. Be3 Nxf3+
10. Bxf3 Bxe3
11. f2xe3 c6
12. d4 Re8
13. d4xe5 d6xe5
14. Qd3 Ng4
15. h3 Qxd3
16. c2xd3 Nxe3
17. f1e1 Nc2
18. Ra1c1 Nxe1
19. Rxe1 Rd8
20. Bg4 Bxg4
21. h3xg4 Rxd3
22. Rd1 Rxd1+
23. Nxd1 Rd8
24. Ne3 Rd4

Board 3: SyllabubSequoia (White) vs. Logogeo96 Cromwell(OB2012) (Black)
1. Nh3 d5
2. a4 e5
3. Nc3 c6
4. g4 f6
5. e3 Be6
6. Bg2 Bd6
7. f3 g5
8. Ra3 f5
9. Nxg5 Bxa3
10. b2xa3 Qxg5
11. Bh3 Qh4+
12. Ke2 Qxh3
13. Qf1 f5xg4
14. f3xg4 Qxg4+
15. Ke1 Nf6
16. Qxf6 Rf8
17. Qxe5 Nd7
18. Qd6 Bf7
19. d4 Bg6
20. Nd1 Qg2
21. Nf2 Qxf2+
22. Kd1 Qxc2+
23. Ke1 Qxc1+
24. Ke2 Qc2+
25. Ke1 Bd3
26. Qe6+ Kd8
27. Qg4 Rg8
28. Qxg8+ Kc7
29. Qg3+ Ne5
30. Qxe5+ Kd7
31. Qg7+

Board 4: Raynpho (White) vs. LadyGaladrielRoseQuartz (Black)

1. e4 c6
2. Bc4 g6
3. Qf3 Nf6
4. Nc3 Nxe4
5. Qxe4 d5
6. Bxd5 c6xd5
7. Qxd5 Qxd5
8. Nxd5 g5
9. Nf3

Board 5: Cello-Playing Mathematician (White) vs. Errata (Black)


Board 6: Enceladus (White) vs. Sequoia (Black)

1. e4

(For reference, the squares are coded like this:)


a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8
a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7
a6 b6 c6 c6 e6 f6 g6 h6
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1



The Polling Place, v. 2008.3

Ask questions; find out about one another; repeat ad infinitum.

Continued from v. 2008.2.

Kokopelli for President 2008

It’s not looking good, folks. So far this month, Musery Loves Company has sold exactly ten “Kokopelli for President” buttons — and those are ones that Robert bought. It looks as if our lazy, self-absorbed, non-campaigning candidate is about to reap the rewards of his non-effort.

Oh, well, there’s always 2012…


Muse Academy Halloween Ball 2008 — Rooftop Garden

A place to cool off, chill out, and converse. (Not to be confused with the Astronomy Tower.)

This thread is affiliated with the Muse Academy Halloween Ball, running from October 13 to 31, blog time.


Bunny Apocalypse: The Next Generation — Part 2

The next generation of future bunny fighters fights on. Continued from (wait for it) Part One.

Muse Academy Halloween Ball, 2008

The sun has set, the candles are lit. A foggy mist rises mysteriously from the ground. Eerie sounds and creepy music float out from the ballroom to greet the MuseBloggers as they arrive.... IMPORTANT NOTE: Please check your posts before sending them. The GAPAs will NOT rescue you if you accidentally submit under your "real" blogname here or your "masked" name elsewhere.

The description below is copied from Raynpho’s summary on the planning thread. If anyone has anything to add or correct, please let us know.

Who: Any MuseBloggers who wish to participate, but costumed and posting under corresponding alter-egoed names. You may send in a picture of your costume to the GAPAs, but detailed descriptions would work just as well.

When: Starts October 13, unmasking will begin around the 29th and progress over several days.

Where: On the Halloween ball thread. On MuseBlog. In Muse Academy, of course, possibly in a rooftop garden, if the weather is warm enough to permit it.

Food and Decor: Appropriate food, such as eclairs and apple cider (see a much more detailed list in comment 13) will be catered by H&H. Decorations will be tasteful and elegant, probably 19th century style, with not a shred of plastic or crepe paper in sight. Typical decor will include jack-o-lanterns and many candles. A giant pumpkin with the Muse Academy logo carved into it is essential.

The Going-ons: As of yet undecided. Possibly a scavenger hunt, if it is, in some way, feasible. Probably will end up fairly calm, with sophistication at every turn and minimal craziness/wild adventures.

Important: No bunnies. You may dress as one if you so wish, but no bunny attacks or the sort. Srsly.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please check your posts before sending them. The GAPAs will NOT rescue you if you accidentally submit a comment under your “real” blogname here or your “masked” name elsewhere.