Tricks and Treats, Part 2
The truth is out there…the Kokonspiracy lights our way into the second installment of the October random thread.
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Thursday, 16 January 2025
Life, the universe, pies, hot-pink bunnies, world domination, and everything
The truth is out there…the Kokonspiracy lights our way into the second installment of the October random thread.
(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)
Here’s the conversation from the Welcome thread:
152. ⚡☽Luna the Lovely☾⚡ (7 Potterpoints!) | October 11th, 2008 at 12:14 pm
150, 151–i understand you guys aren’t fond of Palin for whatever reasons, but as governor, at least, she really hasn’t been bad. Overall, she has been a pretty good governor. Admittedly, I don’t know that she would make a good VP–I don’t really think she has any national experience to speak of. But as far as AK goes, she really hasn’t been a bad governor.
153. Armada (17 piepoints) | October 11th, 2008 at 5:56 pm
152-You have a point. But she’s a Republican. I don’t think we need all that much of an additional reason to not like her.
Hey, you’re eighteen, aren’t you? Who’re you voting for? Sorry, maybe that’s too personal a question, but you’re a Democrat, aren’t you?
Now that I’ve said this, you’re probably seventeen. What the heck. Sorry.
This discussion should probably move to the Hot Topics thread.
154. ⚡☽Luna the Lovely☾⚡ (7 Potterpoints!) | October 11th, 2008 at 7:02 pm
153–Yes, I’m 18. As far as whom I’m voting for, and whether I’m a Democrat….well, to the latter, I really don’t know what I would classify as. I honestly don’t really think of myself in terms of Republican/Democrat, when I registered to vote, I registered as undeclared, although undecided might have been closer to the truth. My family is definitely Republican (not that they wouldn’t ever vote for a Democrat, but they tend to be pro-Republican)….
Honestly, I don’t like either of the candidates. However, from what I’ve heard (admittedly, mainly from my parents/sister/grandmother) McCain seems like the lesser of two evils. But like I said, I don’t think I like either. But I will probably end up voting for McCain. *dodges rocks thrown by the bulk of MBers* Sorry, I know most (many) of you are democratic leaning, but…..
As far as disliking Palin just because she’s a republican, well to me that seems just as bad as the people who completely dislike/will never vote for someone just because they’re democratic. For me, I think it would be more based on individual policies, rather than solely on a person’s political leanings. but, to each one’s own.
Sorry, luv, I know that’s probably not the answer you were hoping for.
155. YodaShmoda | October 11th, 2008 at 7:16 pm
154- i sooo agree with you. i’ve kinda been thinking that maybe McCain might be a bit better but just for like one term. of course i cant vote so that’s just an opinion that will never be voiced.
which reminds me… has anyone seen the play VOTE? i watched it with my QuEST group (don’t ask) it was really good, somtimes it was sorat chessey but mainly it talked about how important it is to vote. The girl gets sent bact to during the Reveloutionary times when no one votes then to the womans sufferage when woman couldn’t vote then to MLK times when technicaly blacks could vote but people made it hard for them to do so and then to the Vietnam war era when 18 year olds wre sent to war without a choie and they couldn’t even voice their opinions about the war because they vote, but so anyways it was really really really good.
but if i could vote i would vote for Kokopelli!
156. YodaShmoda | October 11th, 2008 at 7:29 pm
can i start by saying that sorry bout the last post and the many spelling erroers and that i meant in the theird to last line “they couldn’t even voice their opinions about the war because they couldn’t vote†pay most attention the the added couldn’t.
and also i have a neopyteish question. Is there a poetry thread? and if so how do i find it?
157. Armada (17 piepoints) | October 11th, 2008 at 7:50 pm
154-Oh. Hmph. I suppose that’s true (about Palin), but how is McCain the lesser of two evils? If I was undecided, I would probably vote for Obama, because he’s more concerned about the enviroment (that’s what I’ve heard, anyway), and– you’re probably going to not agree with me on this– he’s black. I know you’re probably going to give me a lecture about how it’s not a good idea to vote for someone based on what gender or color they are, but, since I’m democratically inclined anyway, I think it’s awesome that there’s finally a black candidate running.
Though, if Hilary hadn’t lost, I would have been torn.
Not that my opinion matters anyway. Yet, that is.
158. YodaShmoda | October 11th, 2008 at 7:29 pm
can i start by saying that sorry bout the last post and the many spelling erroers and that i meant in the theird to last line “they couldn’t even voice their opinions about the war because they couldn’t vote†pay most attention the the added couldn’t.
159. The Man For Aeiou | October 11th, 2008 at 8:12 pm
154- She sounds more idiotic then Bush
Continued from the plain-vanilla Computer and Video Games thread, and probably self-explanatory.
When GAPA Robert Coontz was Muser-age, he acted in a couple of plays with the Children’s Theater of Arlington (next door to his home town of Alexandria, Virginia) and worked as a stage hand for various children’s and adult shows. He’s still in touch with some of his fellow actors, including the mother and aunt of new MuseBlogger Ham.
A few photos from that era:
Robert (second from left) played the Tortoise in “The Great Cross-Country Race,” a retelling of the story of the Tortoise and the Hare. Ham’s mother (second from right) is practically invisible in this photo in her role as an all-black bird, a rook. Ham’s Aunt Diana worked on the costume crew and made the Tortoise’s shell, which was even more uncomfortable than it looks.
Ham’s mother, center, looking pert in “Rumpelstiltskin.”
Date: October 5, 2008
Categories: Fan Page / MuseBlog business, Nonrandom Craziness, Sound and images, Time Capsules
Canadian Thanksgiving is on Monday, October 13. Thanksgiving in the United States doesn’t come until November 27.
Requested by Kagcomix, who (naturally enough) lives in Canada.
= NaNo BrainStorming = generating ideas for NaNoWriMo = National Novel-Writing Month, which takes place in November and will have to be described on the thread.
This month’s random thread promises to be full of October surprises.
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Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.
Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.
Current topic: Factoids
Children’s TV shows
Date: October 1, 2008
Categories: At the Top of the Blog, Life, The Universe, Things We like
A neophyte is a fancy word for a newcomer. If you’ve just arrived on the blog, MuseBloggers on this thread will welcome you with pies (momentarily) in hand and help you find your way around.
Please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog), which contains helpful hints regarding local customs, lingo, and other peculiarities of the blog; smiley information included.
Help others navigate the blog by signposting your favorite threads here, when they’ve scrolled off the main page. As always, we start this thread anew from scratch every month.
(Note: Please include the URL (Web address) with your requests. It also helps if you limit your requests to a few at a time, four or five at the most.)
Current categories:
Pieceful Pie Planet (IBCF)
Ships’ Logs: Beyond Museica (IBCF, kiwimuncher)
Muse Academy Student Lounge (vaxiddxvii)
Muse Academy Halloween Ball Planning Thread (vaxiddxvii)
Muse Scouts (Zinc the sorceress)
“Mostly Harmless” Theme Park (Zinc the sorceress)
College/University/Higher Education (Axa)
Off with their Heads! (IBCF)
Stupid Senseless Smiley Stories [SSSS] (IBCF, Midnight Fiddler)
Round-Robin Smileys (Zinc the sorceress)
Alter Ego Thread (Piggy)
The Polling Place (kiwimuncher)
Let’s Get Physiognomical (Armada)
Our Reclusive Gardens (kiwimuncher)
World of Piecraft (kiwimuncher)
Muse Academy RPG (IBCF)
RPG Alternative (Zinc the Sorceress)
Sea Roc (kiwimuncher)
Alchemy (kiwimuncher)
Etheterre (kiwimuncher)
Theme with Variations (Vixen in the Eyes of the Moon)
Muse FanFiction (muselover)
History (Purple Panda, Midnight Fiddler)
Visual Arts (Purple Panda)
Chess Lesson (Purple Panda)
Harry Potter Trivia-Off (Luna the Lovely)
Music (Midnight Fiddler)
Song Lyrics (Midnight Fiddler)
Books and Reading (Syllabub)
Coy Woodnesse (kiwimuncher)
Cooking and Food (Taiwan Hippo Fan)
Suggestion Box
Last Month’s DFTT
HG2MB v.2008.1
Date: October 1, 2008
Categories: At the Top of the Blog, Muse Academy, Nonrandom Craziness, The Musiverse
Known Muser birthdays this month:*
10-01 Kiki the Great’s birthday (1995 – bright purple)
10-06 Leafygreen’s birthday (1997)
10-07 TOPFOT’s birthday (1992)
10-07 HMOTT’s birthday (19?? – light green)
10-08 nerdz__r00l’s birthday (1995 – light green)
10-09 Gimanator’s birthday (1993 – purple)
10-11 E2MB’s birthday (1994 – green)
10-12 Ebeth’s birthday (1991 – blue or octarine)
10-13 Paul Baker’s birthday
10-14 Isabella’s birthday (1994 – deep, pensive indigo, or whatever)
10-16 Bannaya’s birthday (1996)
10-16 astronomerrox’s birthday (1993 – blue)
10-16 Kagcomix’s birthday (1993 – green)
10-18 cilroxmysox’s birthday (1994 – orange)
10-20 Dark Lord of Darkness’s birthday (1993 – yellow, red, black, or purple)
10-23 kokopelli #13’s birthday (1992 – camouflage)
10-24 hotstuff trinity’s birthday (1992 – lime green)
10-25 Red-tailed HAWK’s birthday (1994 – blue)
10-26 Calla Lily’s birthday (19?? – )
10-29 Eccentric the Afterthought’s birthday (1990 – black and/or dark red)
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between January 24 and February 23, 1995.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between April 29 and May 29, 1992.
10-20 Midnight Fiddler is 6,000 days old
*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.
A place to post things you’ve written and/or to talk about writing in general. Vixen in the Eyes of the Moon has just pointed out that we haven’t created a new version of this thread since version 2007.2, so here goes.
Not to be confused with Books in Progress, which focuses on book-length writing.
All right, organizing committee — get to work!
Discussions began on the Suggestion Box thread.
WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!
To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” column, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:
(That’s long enough. Remember to include the period, though, for the benefit of the sidebar.)
Let us know when your issue arrives. NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.
The third installment of this month’s Random Thread winds up with a hard-to-read symbol of back-to-school days of yore. Call it the 19th-century equivalent of a laptop.
(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)
Impress your fellow MBers by showing how much you know about something that doesn’t matter very much.
(NOTE: This is thread number 1492 — and coincidentally, 1492 is the year in which something significant happened to a prominent denizen of Hogwarts. Who was en, and what was the event?)
Continued from Part One.
Bilbo and Frodo were both born on September 22, on different years of the Third Age of Middle-earth. All hail the heroic hobbits (even if Merry and Pippin were funnier)!
The autumnal equinox occurs at 1544 Universal time on Monday, September 22. That’s 10:44 a.m. blog time (U. S. Central Daylight Time). Have a lovely fall, everybody!
This year ’tis on Friday, September 19, me buckos! Let’s hear yer plans and yARRRns!
As the monthly Random Thread for September continues, let’s not forget where you’re really getting your education. (Feel free to download the image to put on notebooks and such.)
(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)
Yet another installment of this ever popular pastime. The Big Idea: Post under a false name, and try to guess who other posters are.
Continued from v. 2008.6.
NOTE: Check your posts before sending them. The Administrators will not rescue you if you accidentally submit one under your “real” blogname. Many an alter ego has fallen victim to a careless “submit” click.