Thursday, 16 January 2025


bookgirl invented this game, which she describes as follows:

One player states a quote from a blogger (who’s been blogging for at least 1 month). The blogger who guesses it first gets 1 MBSBB point (=Muse Blog’s “Big Brother”). The player who answered the question gets the next to ask the next one. The quotes have to give you a clue as to where they’ve been said (only active threads) and are not allowed to come from alter egos or masked balls e.t.c. . If a question isn’t answered in a week, we go to the next one.

Anybody game ?


Yule Be Sorry…

...if you miss December's random thread, festooned with winter-holiday (or, if you're in the Nether Hemisphere, summer-holiday) spirit.

…if you miss December’s random thread, festooned with winter-holiday (or, if you’re in the Nether Hemisphere, summer-holiday) spirit.

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

December 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes or the month ends.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: Snow, and things to do in/with it
Holiday “wish” lists

Welcome, Neophytes! (December 2008 edition)

If you’re new to MuseBlog, we’re happy to have you aboard. Make this thread your first stop to meet the locals, ask any questions you might have, and get your hearty greeting pie.

Please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog), which contains helpful hints regarding local customs, lingo, and other peculiarities of the blog; smiley information included.

Welcome, Newcomers!

If you're new on the blog, just plunge on in. People here are friendly, and you'll be fine. Reading The Rules and The HG2MB (Hitchhiker's Guide to MuseBlog) will help you get oriented, and the GAPAs (Great and Powerful Administrators) will be glad to help you.

If you’re new on the blog, just plunge on in. People here are friendly, and you’ll be fine.

Reading The Rules and The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog) will help you get oriented, and the GAPAs (Great and Powerful Administrators) will be glad to advise you.

Once upon a time, MuseBlog had special threads for welcoming new bloggers (known impressively as “neophytes”). But between new arrivals the threads filled up with irrelevant chatter, and then MuseBloggers forgot how to spell “neophytes,” and the whole thing proved unworkable and fell apart. So now any thread will do — just pick one that strikes your fancy, and start posting. We’ll be happy to see you.

–The Management

Comments Off on Welcome, Newcomers!

Don’t Forget These Threads (December 2008 edition)

Help others navigate the blog by signposting your favorite threads here, when they’ve scrolled off the main page. As always, we start this thread anew from scratch every month.

(Note: Please include the URL (Web address) with your requests. It also helps if you limit your requests to a few at a time, four or five at the most.)

Current categories:

Pie Isle (IBCF, Cinnamoon, Zinc)
Ships’ Logs (kiwimuncher)

History (Vendaval)
College/University/Higher Education (axa)
Vegetarians, Vegetarianism, Vegetables, and Vegemite (Midnight Fiddler)

Off With Their Heads! (IBCF, Zinc)
Round Robin Smileys (Koko’s Apprentice)
Alter Egos (Koko’s Apprentice, kiwimuncher, Zinc)
Coy Woodnesse (kiwimuncher, Zinc)
World of Piecraft (kiwimuncher, Zinc)
Polling Place (kiwimuncher, Zinc)
Stupid Senseless Smiley Stories (Midnight Fiddler)

Our Reclusive Gardens (kiwimuncher, Zinc)
Wungs (Zinc)

RPG Alternative ([Steampunk Jungle] (Koko’s Apprentice, Zinc)
BA:TNG (Armada, Zinc)

Sea Roc (kiwimuncher)
Etheterre (kiwimuncher)
Alchemy (kiwimuncher)


Chess [v. 4] (Syllabub)
Books and Reading (Syllabub, kiwimuncher, Zinc)
Cooking and Food (Tetrahydrofuran (THF))

Suggestion Box
Last Month’s DFTT
HG2MB v.2008.1

Comment or cast your vote on the Letter to Muse in progress on the October 2008 Muse Discussion thread.


Muse Academy Student Lounge, Part 3

The ideal hang-out at the school of your dreams. Paker, anyone?

Continued from Part Two.


December 2008 “Happy Birthday” Thread

Known Muser birthdays and 5K Days this month*:

12-17 Unintended Pun’s birthday (1992 – color?)
12-30 Zyviva’s birthday
12-30 Purplefinch’s birthday (purple?)

12-08 Taiwan Hippo Fan is 5,000 days old
12-08 Gaia Fawkstar (or whoever he is now) is 5,000 days old
12-14 Beavo is 5,000 days old
12-21 La Mort is 6,000 days old
12-24 Phoenix is 6,000 days old
12-27 Queen of Mercury is 5,000 days old
12-30 speller73 is 5,000 days old
12-30 Amelia Peabody (Chintsu) is 6,000 days old

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between March 26 and April 25, 1995.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between June 29 and July 29, 1992.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


Ships’ Logs: Beyond Museica, Part 13

Sail on! And on! And on!
Continued from Part 12.


Muse Scouts, Part 3

“I just finished my merit badge in World Domination!”

Continued from Part 2.


RRR*: Alchemy, Part 2

This thread continues the multi-author story that started in June 2008. Kiwimuncher’s summary:

Nicholas is a poor, teenager who grew up on the streets. However, his life changes when he decides he wants to learn to read under a master (name?). But, when he disobeys his master and examines the forbidden books, his master turns him in to governmental officials, who are highly interested in Nicholas continuing with his education. currently, Nicholas is in a jail cell after being captured by the government while trying to escape with his father. (supposedly, his father gave Nicholas over for money, SUPPOSEDLY)

*Round-Robin ‘Riting.


Happy Thanksgiving, Everybody!

It will probably be quiet around here today.


MuseBlog Signatures 2008 Sneak Preview

Take a look at the design before we upload the final artwork to CaféPress.


We thought we’d let you take a look at the designs before we upload the final artwork to CaféPress. There are 50 names in all — 46 MBers and 4 GAPAs — the most we’ve had so far. Click on the image to see a larger version.

Adeia IBCF Purple Panda
Agrrrfishi Jadestone Queen Francois
AJAR Kagcomix Raynpho
Alice Kari Red-tailed HAWK
Armada Kiki the Great speller73
AthenianPsycho kiwimuncher Syllabub
Beavo Kokonilly Taiwan Hippo Fan
Bookworm LadyG Tesseract
Brendan Leafygreen TGYPWYA
Cat’s Meow Logogeo96 the mole
Cinnamoon Luna the Lovely TNÖ
Cliff Eagle marfwarrior Vendaval
earthgirl Midnight Fiddler Zinc the sorceress
Eccentric Nora the Violist ZVX
Gimanator oxlin (e~a)
groundhog22 Piggy

NOTE: Some of the signatures needed tweaking for technical reasons, mostly so the names would show up when printed. In most cases the modifications were minor, simply a thickening of letters, but a (very) few required more invasive surgery. If yours is one of those and you’re not happy with the result, please let us know. We’ll see what can be done.


HTML Practice and Typographic Tricks, v. 2008.3

Spare the other threads; post your experiments here.

Continued from 2008.2.


Books and Reading, 2008, Part 5

Continued from Books and Reading, 2008, Part 4.


Music, v. 2008.4

Always a favorite subject.

Continued from version 2008.3.


Bunny Apocalypse: The Next Generation — Part 3

The madness continues from Part 2.

The madness continues from Part 2.

We’ll kick off this thread with a reprise of Agrrrfishi’s movie trailer:

World of Piecraft, Part 3

Will it never end?

Continued from World of Piecraft, Part 2.


The Leaf Pile, Part 2

What better place could there be on a windy autumn day than our own monthly random thread?

What better place could there be on a windy autumn day than our own monthly random thread?

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

“Bunny Apocalypse” Editing Thread

Someone wants to make sense of all that?!

A Year of Random Celebrations

The Holiday Reform discussion has inspired us to declare 2009 The Year of Random Celebrations. The name of each monthly random thread (along with its title graphics) will commemorate a subject worthy of Muserly honor. For example, we expect there will be some form of Pastry Appreciation Month.

Nominations are welcome.


Harry Potter, Again

Just because people can’t stop talking about it, and we haven’t had a new thread for it since the summer of 2007.


Muse Academy Holiday Party 2008 — Planning Thread

Volunteers for the organizing committee, please report here.


Urban Legends

By popular request.


Holiday Reform

With Halloween just past and a cluster of holidays (starting with Veterans’/Remembrance Day) coming up, now is a good time to think about which ones are worthwhile and how the others might be improved.

Thanksgiving and Halloween seem solidly popular and well programmed. But what are we supposed to do on Presidents’ Day? Or Flag Day? Or Columbus Day, for that matter? Should we cross them off the calendar, or figure out ways to make them more meaningful and/or fun? Likewise, what new holidays should be added, and which now-obscure holidays deserve to be more widely celebrated? We’re sure Musers will have plenty of ideas.