Friday, 17 January 2025

Fun™, Wasn’t It?

But alas, your exhausted GAPAs (no longer DAPAs) can’t stay up all night extending their April Fools’ Day prank into April 2. A new, real monthly random thread will be arriving shortly.

Meanwhile, in remembrance of Mickey Muse Blog that was, we’d like to leave you with one final verse of the song that’s been driving you mad all day. This time, mercifully, you have to click it to play it:


Meet the DAPAs!

No, not GAPAs -- DAPAs: Disney™ Aggressively Perky Administrators!

No, not GAPAs — DAPAs: Disney™ Aggressively Perky Administrators! Actually, you’ve met them already. They’ve been your friends for a long, long time. Now they’re our newest loyal Disney™ cast members. They’ll be here helping you cheerfully all the time, day and night, forever. Yes, they will!

Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to blog we go…

[sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]

April 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: What’s cute?
Hating weddings
Food with no sugar added
Would you rather..?
Favorite fantasy characters
Injuries (worst, weirdest, funniest, etc.)
What’s the topic going to be?

Welcome, Neophytes (April 2008)

New here? We like newcomers! Confused? Join the club! But you can report to this thread (and please do) for a hearty MuseBlog welcome and answers to your questions.

Please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog), which contains helpful hints regarding local customs, lingo, and other peculiarities of the blog; smiley information included.

April Random Disneyâ„¢ Thread

Hi, gang! Things are a little different around here--but in a good, good way! Click below, and we'll explain everything! Now, smile! (Users' Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!) New Disney™ rules coming soon!

OK, here’s the good news: Muse and MuseBlog have been taken over by Disney™! Isn’t that great? Now we can all have loads of fun! At Disney™, we know all about fun! And don’t worry about your plans for world domination — we know all about that, too!

Of course, you’ll notice some changes now that Mickey Muse Blog™ is part of the Magic Kingdom™. For example, you’re not Musers anymore — you’re MouseKokoteers™! Swell, huh? And your moderators aren’t GAPAs anymore — they’re DAPAs (Disney™ Aggressively Perky Administrators). And now that they’re Disney™ employees, they’ll be chipper and cheerful all the time. They have to be!

Well, I guess that’s enough for now. Settle on in and enjoy Mickey Muse Blog™! We’re sure you’ll like it here. After all, it’s Disney™!

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)
New Disney™ rules coming soon!

Click here for a big surprise!
[sc_embed_player fileurl=”″]

Don’t Forget These Threads (April 2008 edition)

Closed to comments, but still readable.

Help others navigate the blog by signposting your favorite threads here.

(Note: Please include the URL (Web address) with your requests. It also helps if you limit your requests to a few at a time, four or five at the most.)

Current categories:

Ship’s Logs (kiwimuncher, Red-tailed HAWK)
Pieceful Pie Planet (Kokonilly)
Zemtee (Red-tailed HAWK)
Pie Isle (Donaldo)

Vegetarians, Vegetarianism, Vegetables, Vegemite (Purple Panda)
Romance and Relationships (Red-tailed HAWK, Treble_Cone_Freeskier!)
Religion and Religions (Logogeo96)
The Kokonspiracy (Kokonilly)
Complaints and Rants (popular acclaim)

Ble! Newluj–No Fulst (groundhog22)
Off With Their Heads! – Part 2 (groundhog22)
penguini’s Christmas Bunny Melée (groundhog22)
Dissing Mr. Joe, Again (groundhog22)
The Polling Place (kiwimuncher)
Let’s Get Physiognomical (Treble_Cone_Freeskier!, Taiwan Hippo Fan)
You Know You’re Addicted to X When You Y (Treble_Cone_Freeskier!)

The Sea Roc (Purple Panda, kiwimuncher)
RRR SMAS-TT (Hypatia)
Etheterre (Taiwan Hippo Fan)

Role-Playing Writing [The Empowered] (Purple Panda)
Role-Playing Writing [Settling a Planet] (Purple Panda)
Muse Academy RPG (Kokonilly)
Muse FanFiction (Kokonilly)
Poems and Songs (Hypatia, Nthanda the Laugher)
The Diaries of ??? (Hypatia, Nthanda the Laugher)

Visual Arts (Purple Panda)
Books and Reading (Hypatia)
Music (Kari)
Manga, Anime, and Graphic Novels (Axa)
Cooking and Food (Taiwan Hippo Fan)

April 2008 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known Muser birthdays this month:*

04-02 Taiwan Hippo Fan’s birthday (1995 – black, purple, blue)
04-03 Angel’s Holocaust’s (=Majora’s Wrath’s = Gemini Elf’s) birthday (1995 – neon green)
04-06 Frodo (the MuseBlogger)’s birthday (1994 – green)
04-08 Beavo the Great (1995 – neon green or jet black)
04-09 POSOC’s birthday (1994 – “grurple” [=green+purple])
04-10 Vendaval’s birthday (1992)
04-10 Margaret’s birthday (1993 – purple)
04-11 FantasyFan’s birthday (1993 – turquoise)
04-12 Ven’s birthday (1993 – aquamarine)
04-17 Grant O.’s birthday (1990 – blue)
04-21 Tumsymonster’s birthday
04-22 Andromeda pineapple-duck’s birthday (1991)
04-22 Piggy’s birthday (1994 – red or orange)
04-24 book_addict’s birthday (1993 – green)
04-24 speller73’s birthday (1995)
04-27 Em’s birthday (1992 – octarine or black)
04-27 treble_cone_freeeskier!’s birthday (1994 – pink and plaid)
04-27 Bob’s Your Uncle’s birthday (1994 – orange)
04-28 NerdAndProudOf It’s birthday
04-29 Cliff Eagle Teh Pwnage’s birthday (1994 – gold and blue)
04-29 Tyler L.’s birthday (1995 – blue)
04-30 Birthday of oxlin (1990 – chartreuse)
04-30 Princess Heather of Medieval Scotland’s birthday (19__)
04-30 Lord Raguevire the Shadow Mage’s birthday

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between July 25 and and August 23, 1994.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between October 29 and November 27, 1991.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


College / University / Higher Education

By overwhelming request.


April Fools, 2008

Beforehand: What are your plans for the day? What sort of foolery do you have in the works? How will you avoid becoming an April Fool yourself?

Afterward: Well? How did it go?

(By special request of our New Zealand friends at Muse Academy South, for whom days start earlier than they do in blog time.)


Cooking and Food, v. 2008

By popular request. Continued from the 2007 edition.


The Hare & Hedgepig: Vol. I, No. 1

The grand opening of MuseBlog's own virtual tea room.

Coy Woodnesse, v. 2008.1

For communicating in other languages and in variants of this one.


Music from Lizzie

Long-term MBer Lizzie sent us three sound files of her playing the violin. It took us several days to convert them to blog-friendly format (sorry, Lizzie), but here they are at last: Part 1, Part 2, and Cadenza. Here's Lizzie's description:

Long-term MBer Lizzie sent us three sound files of her playing the violin. It took us several days to convert them to blog-friendly format (sorry, Lizzie), but here they are at last: Part 1, Part 2, and Cadenza.

Here’s Lizzie’s description:

A few months ago, I asked the blog if anyone would be interested in
hearing a recording of my playing. Several people responded
positively, so I went off and recorded me playing the concerto I was
working on at the time, which was the first movement of Paganini
Concerto no. 1. Since the piece is about 20 minutes long and really
hard to play through well at one sitting, I split it into three parts
(the first part, the part that comes after that and approx. 50
measures of rest, and the cadenza that comes after the second part).
Hopefully, I included them all in attachments in a format that you can
open / post. The first part is probably the best, the second part
contains some really cool parts that may, alas, be slightly out of
tune (or more than slightly, but hey, I’m still a student, and I’m
getting better), and the third part the hardest and most showy (Sauret
cadenza. I swear, that man must have had a horrible childhood or
something, and had this unresolved grudge against the world of
violin-playing, and decided to get it out by writing the hardest, most
evil cadenza he could think of).

Music from the Spokane Kokonvention

During last week’s Muserly get-together, Alice, Cat’s Meow, and IBCF — all loyal members of Muse Academy’s Spector House — recorded themselves singing the house song (with lyrics by POSOC). You can hear an MP3 file of the performance by clicking right here.

April 2008 Muse Discussion

WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!

To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” columns, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:


(Remember to include the period, for the benefit of the sidebar.)


April 2008 Muse Roll Call

Let us know when your issue arrives. NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.


Amazon Ranks Muse Number One!

Good news: The online store has just announced that Muse is its top-ranked magazine as judged by readers’ reviews. You can read the reviews yourself by clicking here and can even post your own, if you haven’t already.


A Narrow Escape

In which a seemingly innocent hat proves possessed of strange and malevolent powers, effecting near-fatal consequences for the Lady Bunniful. WARNING: the documentary photos contained herein contain material that may be deemed too disturbing for squeamish viewers

While attending a holiday gathering, Lady Bunniful admired some animal-themed headwear designed and created by Olivia, her honorary niece (and Muser-age friend). One might hope a woman of Lady B.’s years and experience, particularly in matters lagomorphic, would exercise caution in approaching any object bearing even the slightest resemblance to winsome, long-eared mammals of rosy hue. Dear Blogger, it grieves me to relate this was not the case at all. No sooner had she noticed the chapeau lapinesque but she clapped it upon her head, Urania save us, not stopping to consider the possible consequences of such an impulsive act. The fact that the hat was indeed exceedingly becoming should have served as further warning rather than the encouragement she took it to be. Folly, thy name is Bunniful.

Within moments her nose began to twitch; her facial muscles tightened; the whites of her eyes became more pronounced.

O dearest MuseBlogger, it distresses me greatly to think what sensations of agony must have twisted within her limbs and consciousness, as once begun, the horrific process known as *shudders violently* bunnification proceeded apace.

Thus might the brief, glorious career of our graphics GAPA have ended in a zombified glaze of hot pink, had not Olivia’s quick wits and leporidal-arts training come to the rescue. The valiant girl, overcoming the horror that would have rooted a lesser soul to the spot, leapt forward and snatched the hat from Lady Bunniful’s head.

Rebecca wishes it known she appears to be well on her way to full recovery and she in no way holds Olivia responsible for the events of Sunday afternoon; indeed, she maintains nothing but gratitude for the quick thinking that prevented certain tragedy.

The Diaryies of ???

An idea from Hypatia:

“Could we do something where we’re collectively writing the diary of some person, but we don’t plan anything about the person. They could be a historical figure or an ordinary teenager or an adult or a cow or a hot pink bunny. We’d just write entry after entry without consulting at all and see how the story went, with each person adding elements to the character.”

Spokane Kokonvention

The event now sets sail for the history books, the photo albums, and bloglore. Reports thus far proclaim the meeting of our Washington State Kokonventioneers to be a success enjoyed by all. Pictures are up!

The event now sets sail for the history books, the photo albums, and bloglore. Reports thus far proclaim the meeting of our Washington State Kokonventioneers to be a success enjoyed by all.


By special request of KaiYves, during our sojourn on the “Muse Academy” blog.


WE’RE BACK again!

MuseBlog's host company, DreamHost, seems to have solved its server problems, so it looks safe to post here again.

MuseBlog’s host company, DreamHost, seems to have solved its server problems, so it looks safe to post here again.

Meanwhile, those of you who missed the overnight-and-morning excitement should know that we’ve instituted a “lifeboat blog” that MBers can move to whenever MuseBlog goes offline. Called “Muse Academy,” it’s at We just threw it together and made it up as we went, but it kept us all occupied and communicating when the chips were down. We’ll leave the threads open for a little while just in case.

Whew! Now let’s hope we just have ordinary MuseBlog weirdness for a while.

Hare-athon, Part 3

The March random thread, continued from Part 2.

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

Muse FanFiction, v. 2008.2

Things are getting very exciting here.

Continued from Muse Fanfiction, v. 2008.1.

These are not RRRs but solo projects which share the same thread. Start your own, or just stop by and visit.

Happy Spring!

The vernal equinox occurs at 12:38 a.m. (blog time, i.e., U.S. Central Daylight time) on Thursday, March 20. By the time most of you read this, it will be spring in the northern hemisphere. Oh, and happy autumn to MBers in New Zealand and other points south of the equator.