Wild, tame, however you find them. By special request of Red-Tailed HAWK. (Elassë-Adæl: the topic can be stretched to include crow girls. We like them, too.)
Monday, 20 January 2025
Life, the universe, pies, hot-pink bunnies, world domination, and everything
Wild, tame, however you find them. By special request of Red-Tailed HAWK. (Elassë-Adæl: the topic can be stretched to include crow girls. We like them, too.)
The randomness continues, amid snow days for practically everybody.
“Take me out
To the Black,
Tell ’em I ain’t coming back…”
For Musers who watched the the TV science-fiction series Firefly and the spinoff movie Serenity.
It’s Monday: same date, same year, two great guys.
MuseBlog’s online mewspaper. Um, nusepaper. You know what we mean.
Because you can never have too many words or names.
For inspiration, you might check the original Words & Names thread and Words & Names, v. 2006.2.
And a most impressive performance it is, too. You can hear his sound file by clicking here.
It’s formatted for Windows Media Player, but Macs should be able to handle it. Note: You might want to turn down the volume first.
Some of the older MBers are starting to turn 18. (Amazing, isn’t it?) On the Rules page, we announce that anyone on the blog aged 18 years and up must use his or her real name in order to be identified as an adult. Some veteran MBers, however, say they would rather go on using their blognames when the time comes — partly out of concern for privacy, partly because they and everyone else are used to them.
The Administrators have discussed this matter and, as usual, have decided on a compromise. Here’s the revised policy:
(1) Newcomers 18 years old and older must identify themselves as adults and use their real names.
(2) Established MuseBloggers who turn 18 may continue posting under blognames. The “Who’s Here” page will mark them as post-high-schoolers by placing plus signs (+) next to their names.
Fair enough?
Or “Maths & Maths Geeks,” if you happen to be British. Requested by curious and questioning, who, as you may have guessed, is good at mathematics.
MuseBlog’s irrepressible podcasters, Purple Panda and Taiwan Hippo Phan, have done it again. The February edition of MuseCast includes segments about Antarctica (sort of), a choral invocation of the Muses, wungs, and Antarctica again (sort of).
You can find it by browsing in the “kids” section of iTunes, or listen to it on the blog by clicking here.
Continued at
Requested by Kiki and by Prarilius Canix. PC writes:
Specifically, a sci-fi RRR. Most of the past ones have been fantasy. I like fantasy a lot, but I think we could use something different.
Date: February 2, 2007
Categories: Fiction, poetry, and fanfiction, Nonrandom Craziness
Help newcomers and others ferret out the hidden delights of threads of yore.
(Translation: Some old threads on the blog were pretty good, but once they scroll off the main page they become hard to find. Here’s a place to post some of your favorites. Tell what it is and paste in the URL, or use HTML to make a highlighted link.)
Less random than the random thread. More continuity, focus, and attention to spelling, punctuation, and other niceties.
Current topic: Seinfeld Guitars Musical instruments Airsoft Lego Complaints.
(This topic could last a while. It’s probably good thing that the next chameleon thread is just a few days away.)
Step right up to receive your welcome pie and ask the old hands what’s going on around here. First, though, please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog).
Known Muser and MuseBlogger birthdays this month:
02-02 groundhog22 (1989 – denim blue)
02-02 Lady Visala of Reverie (1993 – psychedelic)
02-14 Violindino (1993 – purple)
02-22 Shotgun #10 (1995)
02-26 Ötzi (1993)
You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between May 26 and June 22, 1993.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between August 30 and September 26, 1990.
The blog’s online boutique, Musery Loves Company, did a brisk business in December and January. Muse– and MuseBlog-related products from CafePress are now at large, bedazzling and bewildering an unsuspecting world. Most popular single item: the “Classic Bunny” Junior Hoodie.
If you haven’t visited the store lately, you might want to check out Rebecca Lasley’s latest additions to the lineup, including Muse Academy bumper stickers and a “MuseBlog signature edition” Mostly Harmless mug. If you’re new and haven’t visited Musery at all yet, all we can say is that there’s really nothing quite like it. See for yourself.
Blog administrator Rebecca Lasley has supplied a startling image of the Washington, D.C., Metro (subway system) in the aftermath of the Million Muser March:
What? You’ve never heard of the Million Muser March? Well, no, of course not: it hasn’t happened yet. But when it does, this is what the results will look like. Resistance is Museless!
Date: January 31, 2007
Categories: Fan Page / MuseBlog business, Ideas, Nonrandom Craziness
They’re starting to arrive. Let us know when yours appears. No spoilers, please–that’s a separate thread.
Quieter than most, but a jubilee all the same.
You know the drill: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!
They’re the original long fantasy stories. Like ’em? Hate ’em? Either way, let’s hear why.
Date: January 25, 2007
Categories: Fiction, poetry, and fanfiction, The Universe, Things We like
We’re back, having converted the file to MP3 format. Let’s see if that works better. Now, where were we? Oh, yes…
Not content with soap sculpture, Purple Panda and Taiwan Hippo Fan, with the help of Kiki the Great, have turned their talents to audio production. With luck, you’ll be able to listen to a sound file of their MuseCast by clicking here.
KitKat has requested an imaginary virtual online store. As usual, we have trouble imagining what she has in mind. Still… why not?