Here’s how to participate:
1. Create your signature, using whatever “natural” or digital media you like.
2. Scan the results, if necessary (preferably at 200 or 300 dpi) A digital photo might work, also, if you have a steady hand.
3. Send by email to gapa @ (except without the spaces)
OR if you have no way of scanning your signature, you may send it by U.S. mail to: Rebecca Lasley c/o P. O. Box 3, Jamestown NC 27282.
For those of you who email us PLEASE USE DESCRIPTIVE TEXT IN YOUR SUBJECT LINE, i.e., “Rebecca’s signature.” Avoid generic phrases like “my signature” and such.
ONE signature per MuseBlogger, please.
We have not established a deadline yet. Best guess based on current data is that it will be sometime in September.
No last names on the signatures, please–blognames and/or first name plus last initial only. Plain or embellished, as you prefer. Take a look at the previous edition to get the idea.
LINE WIDTH: the graphics will print best if the lines are not too thin or light. For drawing with natural media, something at least as thick as a “fine” Sharpie (not “ultra fine”) is perfect, though you may have to write larger letters than you’re used to. Pencil and fine point pens will simply get lost, especially when reduced to fit on items smaller than shirts. For digital drawing, use a brush that is at least 5 pixels, 10 or more is better, for those programs which allow you to specify (medium or large on MS Paint).
SIZE: make it big. Probably bigger than you think. There are so many variables, it’s hard to be specific, but if the file size is smaller than 80k, it’s likely too small. Most of those that proved easiest to work with last time ran from 150k up to 1 MB. No one has ever sent anything too big. It’s much easier for us to reduce a graphic cleanly than it is to enlarge one that is too small.
If you can, print a hard copy at 200 dpi or higher to see how it looks. Most signatures should print out to at least a couple of inches wide and no less than half an inch in height. Do not judge size by what you see onscreen.
Onscreen appearance can be very misleading.
FILE FORMAT: Most any graphic programs will support the following: JPG, BMP, PNG, or GIF. (When you save the file, look for “save as” or “export” in the file menu). Some allow TIF. Rebecca has Photoshop CS2, Adobe Illustrator CS2, InDesign CS2, CorelDraw suite X3, Corel Painter IX, and Paint Shop Pro XI, among other things, so you can send a file in their native formats. PDFs are also fine. Ask if you have something else. (If at all possible, avoid MS Word and AppleWorks. Their results are unpredictable.)
IF THESE INSTRUCTIONS DON’T MAKE SENSE TO YOU, DON’T WORRY. Just do what you can and send it in. We’ve learned a trick or two since last time and will find a way to make it work.
In general, keep your designs bold and simple. Don’t let details get too fine. DO NOT add tag phrases longer than a word or two. They simply will not show up.
Previous Participants: You may send in a new design or request to reuse your old one. Just let us know if you want to be included.