Thursday, 16 January 2025

HTML Practice and Typographic Tricks, v. 2008.2

Time for another one of these. Continued from 2008.1.

The Kokonspiracy, 2008, Part 3

Cabals, schemes, and machinations galore.

Continued from TK2K8P2.

World of Piecraft, Part 2

The latest pie war, begun in World of Piecraft, Part 1, continues apace.


ATTENTION, Ivars Peterson Fans!

He may no longer be writing for Muse, but you can still read his “Mathematical Tourist” columns on the website of his now-employer, the Mathematical Association of America.

Random Cool Stuff, Part 3

Continued from Part 2. (Users' Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

We liked Lady Bunniful’s Musesicles so much that we’ve revived them for the third installment of this month’s random thread. Continued from Part 2.

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

Global Warming, v. 2008.1

A perpetually hot topic. Continued from version 2007.2.


MuseBlog Chess, v. 2

We tried team chess the first time around, and it eventually turned into one-on-one games. This time, let’s start with two-player games.

Results so far:
Purple Panda vs. TMFA: 2-0
Midnight Fiddler vs. Agrrrfishi: …
Adeia vs. Red-tailed HAWK: …
Taiwan Hippo Fan Raynpho vs. ZVX: …
Eragon vs. Logogeo96

Board 1: Midnight Fiddler (White) vs. Agrrrfishi (Black)
1. a4 f5
2. c4 h5
3. Nc3 Rh6
4. b3 g5
5. a5 Nf6
6. e3 Bg7
7. a3


Board 2: The Man for Aeiou (White) vs. Purple Panda (Black)
Game over — Black won.
1. e4 e5
2. Nf3 Nc6
3. d4 e5xd4
4. Bb5 Qf6
5. O-O Bd6
6. Na3 a6
7. Bd3 Ne5
8. Re1 Nh6
9. Nxd4 Bc5
10. Nb5 a6xb5
11. Nxb5 O-O
12. Re3 Bxe3
13. f2xe3 c6
14. Nd6 Qxd6
15. Bd2 Ne5g4
16. h3 Qh2+
17. Kf1 Qh1+
18. Ke2 Qxg2+
19. Ke1 Qf2++


Board 3: Adeia (White) vs. Red-tailed HAWK (Black)
1. a4 e5
2. b3 d5
3. h3 Be7
4. d3 Nc6
5. g4 Bh4
6. Rh2 Bf6
7. f3 Bh4+


Board 4: Raynpho (White) vs. ZVX (Black)
1. e4 Nf6
2. Nc3 e5
3. d3 Bd6
4. Nf3 O-O
5. Nb5 Nc6
6. h3 a6
7. c4 Nb4
8. Bd2 c5
9. Nxd6 Nh5
10. a3 Qf6
11. Nf5 g6
12. Nh6+ Kh8
13. a3xb4 Nf4
14. b4xc5 d6
15. Ng4 d6xc5
16. g4xf6


Board 5: Eragon (White) vs. Logogeo96 (Black)
1. e4 b5
2. Nf3 Ba6
3. Qe2 b4
4. b3


(For reference, the squares are coded like this:)


a8 b8 c8 d8 e8 f8 g8 h8
a7 b7 c7 d7 e7 f7 g7 h7
a6 b6 c6 c6 e6 f6 g6 h6
a5 b5 c5 d5 e5 f5 g5 h5
a4 b4 c4 d4 e4 f4 g4 h4
a3 b3 c3 d3 e3 f3 g3 h3
a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 f2 g2 h2
a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1 h1



Jobs and Careers

Cat’s Meow wondered where this thread was. There wasn’t one! Now there is.


Movies, v. 2008.2

It’s time for another one of these. Be sure to post spoiler warnings if you’re posting any.


Random Cool Stuff, Part 2

More cool thoughts to take our minds off the heat.

More cool thoughts to take our minds off the heat.

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)

Larry Gonick’s New Comic Strip

It’s called “Raw Materials,” and he posts it on a blog on the Discovery Channel’s Web site. It’s like “Peanuts” for nerds. Check it out!

Bunny Apocalypse, Part 4

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and everything is turning the color of Pepto-Bismol. Can the Musers possible prevail against the magenta menace?

Continued from Part Three.

Help Needed! All Done! Thanks, Everybody!

As you may know, the Muse Fan Page (MuseBlog’s parent site) keeps a list of contents of every issue of Muse. Well, most issues, anyway: we’ve fallen down on the job since April 2007.

This is an area in which MBers can be of inestimable assistance. (Translation: HELP!!!) Please get out your back issues, record what’s in them, and post the results here. We’ll most gratefully add them to the list.


The Administrators

Still Needed: Topics of “Dear Muse Reader” Pages for the Following Issues

May/June 2007
July/August 2007

September 2007
October 2007
November/December 2007
January 2008

February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May/June 2008
July/August 2008

RRR* The Sea Roc (a.k.a. Capt. Pye & Co.) — Part 5

Continued from Part 4.

*Round Robin ‘Riting

Off With Their Heads! The Origins and Culture of HPBs — Part 4

The unmasking of the magenta mysteries maintains its miasmal momentum.

Continued from Part Three.

WARNING: Extremely disturbing content within. :idea:

Alter Ego Thread, v. 2008.5

The ever-popular guessing game: Post under a false name, and try to guess who other posters are.

Continued from v. 2008.4.

NOTE: Check your posts before sending them. The Administrators will not rescue you if you accidentally submit one under your “real” blogname. Many an alter ego has fallen victim to a careless “submit” click.


Books and Reading, 2008, Part 3

Continued from Books and Reading, 2008, Part 2.

Summer in Greenland

What’s up in Greenland? The sun, for one thing — it’s shining 24 hours a day. And two of Robert’s and Rosanne’s friends, Mary Miller and Lisa Strong-Aufhauser, have just arrived there to document life among scientists in Greenland for the Exploratorium museum in San Francisco and its Web site:

Mary says “so follow along on the adventure and send me comments.” She and Lisa are armed with great curiosity about the giant calving glacier and possibly even greater curiosity about how they’ll fare in their coming battle against the mosquitoes.

How to send Mary comments: Visit her Exploratorium blog, The Accidental Scientist.


Muse Academy Student Lounge, Part 2

A place where students can relax over some strange experiment or a rousing game of Paker and meet people from other Houses.

Continued from Part One.



Last month conversation at the H&H turned to the subject of creative alphabets and shorthand techniques. Do you use special symbols or abbreviations when you take notes? We'll extend the question to include alphabets, invented languages, or any idiosyncratic note-taking habits. See inside for a shorthand system created by Nora the Violist.

Last month conversation at the H&H turned to the subject of creative alphabets and shorthand techniques. Do you use special symbols or abbreviations when you take notes? We’ll extend the question to include alphabets, invented languages, or any idiosyncratic note-taking habits.

To start off, here’s a shorthand system created by Nora the Violist.

Muse Air Magazine for Sale on Ebay

Did you know that there used to be a Muse Airlines? We didn’t. A copy of one of its in-flight magazines from 1985 is for sale on Ebay (Item 270251053558).


Music, v. 2008.2

It’s time — 4/4 time, 3/4 time, whatever time you like. Just don’t mark time, please; make this thread march!

Continued from version 2008.1.

Chronicles of Museica, Part the Eighth

Continued from Part the Seventh, than which no more need be said.

Random Cool Stuff

When the weather is hot, where better to keep cool than MuseBlog's monthly random thread?

When the weather is hot, where better to keep cool than MuseBlog’s monthly random thread?

(Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!)


July 2008 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

Unlike the random thread, this discussion thread stays on topic until the topic changes.

Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: haircuts
favorite stores
crazy ways MBers decorate their rooms