Thursday, 16 January 2025

Welcome, Neophytes! (July 2008)

“Neophyte” comes from Greek roots meaning “newly planted.” If you’ve landed on the blog and think you might want to put down roots here, stop in for a friendly welcome and some helpful tips from those already here.

Please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog), which contains helpful hints regarding local customs, lingo, and other peculiarities of the blog; smiley information included.

Don’t Forget These Threads (July 2008 edition)

Help others navigate the blog by signposting your favorite threads here. As always, we start this thread anew from scratch every month.

(Note: Please include the URL (Web address) with your requests. It also helps if you limit your requests to a few at a time, four or five at the most.)

Current categories:

Pieceful Pie Planet (Kokonilly, IBCF, MARFwarrior)
Ships’ Logs (IBCF, kiwimuncher)
Zemtee (HAWK)
Muse Scouts (AvalonGirl)

Religion and Religions (Kokonilly, Logogeo96, MARFwarrior)
Vegetarians, Vegetarianism, Vegetables, and Vegemite (Purple Panda, Midnight Fiddler)

Stupid Senseless Smiley Stories (IBCF, Midnight Fiddler)
The Polling Place (kiwimuncher)
You know you’re addicted to X when you Y (Logogeo96)
Round Robin SSSS (Zinc the sorceress)

Terraformed (rewrite) (Alice)
SMASS-TT (Hypatia)
Alchemy RRR (Hypatia, kiwimuncher)
Etheterre (Alice)

Role-Playing Writing (the Empowered) (Alice)
Writing Challenge: Theme With Variations (Vixen)

Muse MuseBlog Chess (GAPA’s choice)
Visual Arts (Purple Panda)
History (Midnight Fiddler, Alice)
Science and Math, Including Space (Brendan the Science Whiz)
Music (Kari, Midnight Fiddler)
Books and Reading (Midnight Fiddler)
Coy Woodnesse (kiwimuncher)

HG2MB v.2008.1
Last Month’s DFTT (Midnight Fiddler)

The Hare & Hedgepig, Vol. I, No. 5

As a Courtesy to Your Fellow Patrons, Please Leave All Electronic Devices and Projectile Pastries with Our Pie Check Department Formal Dress Required
Continued from Vol. I, No. 4.

Continued from Vol. I, No. 4.

July 2008 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known Muser birthdays this month:*

07-03 Kokonilly’s birthday (1996 – light blue/lime green)
07-04 Momothebrainlesspig’s birthday (1993 – purple)
07-05 Koko du Pelle’s birthday (1996 – purple)
07-05 shadowfire’s birthday (1996)
07-07 TNÖ’s birthday (1993 – green)
07-09 Lizzie’s birthday (1991)
07-13 Emogrl’s birthday (1989 – black)
07-14 Penguin’s birthday (1994 – color=?)
07-17 agagabagabag’s birthday (1994 – purple)
07-18 PurplishGlass’s birthday (1990 – turquoise)
07-18 Fortune Cell’s birthday (1992 – red)
07-19 La Mort, La Vie, L’Amour’s birthday (1992 – black, silver, and red)
07-21 Moo I’m a Cow’s birthday (1995 – color?)
07-22 Phoenix’s birthday (1992 – octarine)
07-22 IBCF’s birthday (1993)
07-25 Evie’s birthday (1995)
07-26 Agrrrfishi’s birthday (1994 – sky blue, navy, and bubblegum pink)
07-28 Anata~ChinTsu’s birthday (1992 – charcoal)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between October 24 and November 23, 1994.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between January 28 and February 27, 1992.

*Note: Listed MBers who have been inactive for several months won’t appear on next year’s birthday calendar unless they show up again.


Wungs, Part 2

Prarilius Canix’s original description:

A thread to discuss wungs. What are wungs, you may ask? Animal, vegetable, mineral, subatomic particle? Nobody knows. Yet. This thread could be a place to post recent wung sightings and theories, and to cross-check them with other people.

By now, a fair number of MBers have acquired wung companions, formed the International Wung Appreciation Society, and started planning a campaign to raise awareness of wung-related issues.

Continued from Wungs.

July/August 2008 Muse Discussion

WARNING! Will definitely contain spoilers!

To spare MBers reading the “Recent Comments” column, please paste the following message in at the beginning of your posts:


(That’s long enough. Remember to include the period, though, for the benefit of the sidebar.)


July/August 2008 Muse Roll Call

Let us know when your issue arrives. NO SPOILERS, please. There’s another thread for discussing the issue.


‘Tis the Season for Kokonventions

On Saturday, 28 June 2008, some unidentified suspicious-looking characters appeared on the Washington Mall.

On Saturday, 28 June 2008, some unidentified suspicious-looking characters appeared on the Washington Mall.

Hmm. They appear to be Mostly Harmless…

…or not.

Also, Lady B. forgot to post this bit of documentation her Friday the 13th meeting with Red-tailed HAWK. In the background are HAWK’s famous gardens.

MuseMuseBlog Chess, v. 1

“Could we just do Muse Chess and get it over with?” –muselover

Request granted!

Muse Chess, Game 1: 30 June 2008 –
White: Bookworm, Alice, Hypatia, Purple Panda, Red-tailed HAWK, earthgirl, …
Black: IBCF, ZVX, The Man For Aeiou, Taiwan Hippo Fan

The game so far (double-check at the bottom of the thread — the GAPA may not have included the latest moves):

Game 1.1 — OVER, White Won
1. d4 d5
2. e3 Nf6
3. Bd3 c6
4. a4 Qd7
5. Qf3 e5
6. Ne2 e4
7. Bxe4 d5xe4
8. Qf4 Bd6
9. Qg5 Ng4
10. O-O c5
11. Qxg7 Rf8
12. Qxh7 Qc7
13. Qxe4+ Be6
14. d5 Bxh2+
15. Kh1 f5
16. Qxe6+ Kd8
17. e4 Qh7
18. Bg5+ Kc7
19. g3 f5xe4
20. d6+ Kc6
21. d7+ Kc7
22. d8(Q)+ Rxd8
23. Bf4+ Rd6
24. Qxd6+ Kc8
25. Qe6+ Kd8
26. Rd1+ Nd7
27. Bg5+ Kc8
28. Qe8+ Kc7
29. Bf4+ Ng4e5
30. Bxe5+ Nxe5
31. Qxe5+ Kc6
32. Qd6++

Game 1.2
1. d4 d5
2. e3 Nf6
3. Bd3 c6
4. a4 Qd7
5. Qf3 e5
6. Ne2 e4
7. Bxe4 d5xe4
8. Qf4 Bd6
9. Qg5 Ng4
10. O-O c5
11. Qxg7 Rf8
12. Qxh7 Qc7
13. Qxe4+ Be6
14. d5 Bxh2+
15. Kh1 Nf6
16. Qh4 Bxd5
17. Qxf6 Bc4
18. Nb1c3 Rg8
19. b3 Qc6
20. Qxc6+ Nxc6
21. b3xc4 Rh8
22. Nf4 Rd8
23. Nh3 Bb8
24. Nd5 f6
25. Nxf6+ Kf7
26. Bb2 Ne5
27. Bxe5 Bxe5
28. Rb1 Kxf6
29. f4 Bd6
30. Kg1 Rh7
31. Rb1d1 Ke7
32. Kf2 b6
33. Rh1 Rd8h8
34. Rh2 Rg7
35. Re1h1 Rf8
36. Ng5 Rxg5
37. g3 Rg5f5
38. Ra1 Be5
39. Ra3 Bb2
40. Rd3 Rh8
41. Rxh8 Bxh8
42. Rd5 Rf6
43. Rh5 Bg7
44. Rh7 Kf7
45. Rh5 Ke7
46. g4 Rd6
47. Rd5 Re6
48. Kf3 Rh6
49. Rh5 Rxh5
50. g4xh5 Ke6
51. e4 Kf6
52. Kg4 Bh6
53. f5 Ke5
54. Kf3 Bc1
55. Kg4 Kxe4
56. f6 Bh6
57. f7 Ke5
58. f8Q Bxf8
59. Kg5

Muse Scouts, Part 2

“Buy a pie to support the Muse Scouts, ma’am?”

Continued from Part 1.

Sumer Is Icumen In, Part 3

Just a few days remain in the month, but denizens of the June Random Thread will be singing "Koko" to the bitter end. (To find out why, see parts One and Two.)

Just a few days remain in the month, but denizens of the June Random Thread will be singing “Koko” to the bitter end. (To find out why, see parts One and Two.)

Happy Summer!

To mark the season*, MuseBlog has bedecked itself in bright, bold, summery colors colors of sand, sea, and sky. We hope you like our new livery. Coming soon: autumn.

* (The season north of the equator, that is, where Muse is published. Our friends in the Southern Hemisphere will have to be content with a reminder of summers past and to come.)

Ships’ Logs: Beyond Museica, Part 12

The Musiversal saga will soon be as long as the Iliad, the Odyssey, the Aeneid, the Gilgamesh Epic, the Divine Comedy, and the Faerie Queene combined.

Continued from Part 11.

Goofy Talents

Midnight Fiddler reminded Rebecca of this idea when she (Midnight Fiddler) demonstrated her truly remarkable eyebrow maneuvers. (Lady B.’s own weird talent is more humble: crossing and uncrossing her toes.) What’s yours?


Suggestion Box, v. 2008.2

What do you want to see on the blog, at Musery Loves Company, or anywhere else in the GAPAs’ domain? Let your voices be heard!

Continued from version 2008.1.

Attention, Washington, D.C.-Area Musers!

There’s been a call for a mini-Kokonvention in D.C. in the last week of June. If you’re available and interested, have your parents e-mail the Administrators at gapa @ musefanpage .com .

Books in Progress, v. 2008.2

A thread on which Musers who have written, are writing, or want to write books can bounce ideas off others who share that interest.

Continued from BiP 2008.1.

New Websites for Carus Magazines

Sites for Cricket, Spider, and Ladybug are online now (or will be soon); sites for the nonfiction magazines are scheduled for September. Check ’em out and share your impressions. Links allowed.

Home page for all the magazines
Cricket: (not working yet)


World of Piecraft, Part 1

By popular request, a new Pie War thread. Please keep it silly and mostly harmless, and cease pieing whenever a GAPA calls time out.

And away we go…

[This thread is now closed. The pie war continues here.]


Ask the GAPAs, No. 6

You ask, we (sometimes) answer. What’s on your mind?

Continued from No. 5.

Sumer Is Icumen In, Part 2

The June Random Thread continues after a typically ebullient Part 1. The graphic continues unchanged as well, because the artist is on the road, but we can provide slightly updated lyrics:

Svmer is icumen in,
Lhude sing Kokko!
Sprouteth grass and outeth class
And Musers homeward go,
Sing Kokko!

Bunny Apocalypse, Part 3

Continued from Part Two.


By popular request. Not to be confused with Computer and Video Games.


Attention, Catkopelli!

Please check your e-mail.

Muse Academy RPG*, Part 4

*Role-playing game.

Continued from Part 3.