Muse Needs Articles by Readers
Editor Elizabeth Preston sent us this announcement:
MUSE wants YOU! Well, we want your stories, anyway. Do you have something unique to share? Have you traveled with a circus? Are you the last known speaker of an indigenous language? Maybe you always wanted to write a Math Page about your original geometry research. We want to hear your voices. Starting in September, everyone else will hear you, too. Send us an email (no attachments, please).
Here’s what Elizabeth says about the new section:
Starting in the September issue, we’re including a new column called the “Reader’s Report.” The idea arose because one girl sent us a series of well-written emails about a bird-rescue experience she’d had, saying we should do an article about it. And we thought, why not have what she sent us BE the article? So she’ll be the first one. The idea is a one- or two-page regular feature, written by a reader and laid out/illustrated like any other article, about an experience or viewpoint unique to that person (i.e., not “This is how I feel about gun control” or “My report on rocket ships”). I’m hoping the kids get excited about it and send lots of submissions. But we need to get submissions coming in before it’s announced in the September issue.
[The magazine’s e-mail address is]