Sunday, 19 January 2025

Just Friends

A thread for discussing non-romantic relationships.

Includes (by request of Red-tailed HAWK) Conversation Guides.


At Long Last, MB Signatures!

Take a look before we upload it to CaféPress.

Take a look before we upload it to CaféPress.

Note there have been some minor edits for clarity and space. Mostly, that means I cut out words that would be too tiny to read and removed solid black backgrounds because they didn’t harmonize well with the other signatures.

The above has been updated to include the corrected version of RtH’s signature and some minor rearrangements.

Role-Playing Writing, Part 2

It's not easy to save the world from the Evil One, especially while writing letters about it. But the undaunted Empowered continue their mission from Part 1.

For those of you just tuning in:

This was Alice’s idea, sort of a cross between RRRs and RPGs with a touch of epistolary novel. Here’s how she described it:

Everyone makes up one character (made up, mind you!) and we decide on plot, time, etc. just like usual. Then we start. It would be in the form of letters or e-mails, and we would say at the top of our post who the letter was to.

Everyone would have to read all of the posts, though, to prevent conflicting plot twists, but their character wouldn’t know about whatever the letter said unless it was addressed to them.

Get it?
If not, then phooey. That was hard to explain.

Emmatheduck, Robert, and Apple Pie

In which a MuseBlogger and a GAPA threaten to disrupt the civility of the National Press Club.

First they trained their desserts on each other in classic pie-ing stance:

…but then their attention turned toward the photographer:

June 2007 “Happy Birthday!” Thread

Known Muser Birthdays this Month (as always, we’re not sure all of these folks are still active):

06-04 Donaldo the supercoolio awesome nerd’s birthday (1994 – color?)
06-05 Potato Chip’s birthday (1994)
06-06 Ninja for Christ’s birthday (19?? – color=?)
06-06 Romana2’s birthday
06-11 yesterdays_kinked_moose’s birthday (1992)
06-13 King george the stroodle’s birthday (1992)
06-20 Kricket’s birthday (1993 – light blue, electric green, pastel purple, or tie-dye)
06-29 Brave Sir Robin’s birthday (1993 – tie-dye)

You turn 5,000 days old this month if you were born between September 23 and October 22, 1993.
You turn 6,000 days old this month if you were born between December 28, 1990, and January 26, 1991.


MuseCast 4

Purple Panda and Taiwan Hippo Fan’s latest effort has been on the Web for weeks, but we’ve just found time to upload it onto the blog. Here ’tis.

Also on the blog are MuseCast 1, MuseCast 2, and MuseCast 3.

Muser Parodies: Things They Made Us Read In School, etc.

Everything is fair game: “The Lady or the Tiger?,” “The Monkey’s Paw,” Lord of the Flies, The Pearl. If a reading assignment annoyed you, take your revenge.

Includes drastically condensed versions of famous or popular books.


“Lord of the Pies” Round-Robin ‘Riting — a Muserly parody of “Lord of the Flies,” one of everybody’s least favorite required-reading assignments.

Pastoral Pleasures

Alice and Elizabeth have been hanging out on the Homeschoolers thread discussing their sheep and cows and other aspects of farm life. They've sent us some awwwwsome photos. See inside.

Here are images of Alice‘s sheep.

Elizabeth‘s photos are below, posted in comment #31.
Also, see kt the gr8‘s artwork at comment #23.


Kokopelli for President, v. 2007.2

Now more than ever.

Continued from v. 2007.1.

Script Frenzy Begins!

NaNoWriMo's new sibling debuts today. The challenge: write a 20,000-word script or screenplay in 30 days. So far, 6 6 11 MBers (+ 1 GAPA) have signed on. Here's where you can celebrate, commiserate, advise, or procrastinate. More information inside.

NaNoWriMo’s new sibling debuts today. The challenge: write a 20,000-word script or screenplay in 30 days. So far, 6 10 11 MBers (+ 1 GAPA) have signed on. Others who want to participate, go to for details.

MB Participants:
Capricious the Great and Terrible
Ebeth [Whatever Her Current Title Is]
pen,/ta/to’/nikk (adj)
Purple Panda
Sweet Melpomene
Taiwan Hippo Fan
Lady Bunniful

So, Frenzyers, what are you writing about? What are your strategies? Come celebrate, commiserate, advise, or procrastinate. Most of all, have fun!

June Jelly, Part 1


Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!


June ’07 Incredible Morphing Chameleon Thread

June 2007 edition, Part 1.

Also known as a “not-so-random discussion thread,” This forum tries to stay on topic longer than the random threads do. Newcomers should read The Rules and The Guide before plunging in.

Current topic: Ways to make people think you’re insane
Victorians, the Victorian era, and Victorianism
your dream job


Welcome, Newcomers! (June 2007 edition)

If you've just arrived on MuseBlog, please make this thread your first port of call. We'll help you find your way around and maybe even give you a surprise or two.

If you’ve just arrived on MuseBlog, please make this thread your first port of call. We’ll help you find your way around and maybe even give you a surprise or two.

Please read The Rules. You might also glance at The HG2MB (Hitchhiker’s Guide to MuseBlog).

National Spelling Bee, 2007

emmatheduck is in it. How’s it going, Emma?


May Mêlée, Part 4


Users’ Manual: Obey The Rules. Consult The Guide. Have fun!


GAPAs’ Time Capsule: On Stage

No, we’re not taking Muse on the road like the Wiggles. But some of the Administrators have acted in plays from time to time, including a few when we were Muser-age. Pictures below.
Read more »

Global Warming, v. 2007.2

Still going strong. Continued from version 2007.1.


Chess – test 4

[Event “Test Game”]
[Site “MuseBlog”]
[Date “2009.05.26”]
[White “Coontz”]
[Black “test”]
[CBBWhiteId “*”]
[CBBBlackId “*”]
[Result "0-1"]
1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nf6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.Ke2 Qe7 5.h4 Qd6 6.Qg1 g5 7.Nxg5 Rg8 8.h5 Rxg5 9.g3 Rxg3 10.Qg2 Rxg2 11.Rh4 Rg1 12.b3 Qxd2+ 13.Kf3 Nxh5 14.Bxf7+ Kxf7 15.Rf4+ exf4 16.Na3 a5 17.Nb1 Ra6 18.e5 Rd1 19.Kg2 Rb6 20.Na3 Rxb3 21.Nb1 Qxf2++

Comments Off on Chess – test 4

Origins and Beginnings

A place to discuss how things started: life, the universe, or anything. Both scientific and nonscientific musings are welcome. (Remember, Genesis means “beginning.”)


Evolution, v. 2007.2

Several MBers say they’d like to discuss evolutionary ideas about the history of life and how organisms have changed over time. That’s what this thread is for.

No heckling, please; let’s try to keep things peaceful this time. Also, please avoid off-topic posts. If you want to talk about topics that evolution does not cover, such as the Big Bang theory, the origin of life, or supernatural ideas beyond the reach of science, please go to the Origins and Beginnings thread.


Happy Birthday, Arthur Conan Doyle!

The creator of Sherlock Holmes was born 148 years ago today (Friday, May 25).


Happy Towel Day!

How are you celebrating?


The Kokonspiracy, Part 2

World conquest (or konquest) made easy, continued. Remember: you can't spell "kokonspiracy" without "piracy."

World conquest (or konquest) made easy, continued. Remember: you can’t spell “kokonspiracy” without “piracy.”

Washington, D.C., Kokonvention — Part 2

Kokontinued above. The GAPAs have been conferring amongst themselves. In typically all-embracing GAPA style, we've decided to hold two Kokonventions: a big one on August 15, and a smaller one on August 10 for those who can't make the other one. We're still working on a program of events for each. Right now, the main difference is the August 10 will have three GAPAs present (Rosanne, Robert, and Rebecca), whereas August 15 will have just two (no Rosanne, alas). So... roll call, please. Who's still interested?

The GAPAs have been conferring amongst themselves. In typically all-embracing GAPA style, we’ve decided to hold two Kokonventions: a big one on August 15, and a smaller one on August 10 for those who can’t make the other one.

We’re still working on a program of events for each. Right now, the main difference is the August 10 will have three GAPAs present (Rosanne, Robert, and Rebecca), whereas August 15 will have just two (no Rosanne, alas).

So… roll call, please. Who’s still interested?

Here’s the current list:

Friday, August 10
curious and questioning
Lady Visala of Reverie
Midnight Fiddler

Wednesday, August 15
kt the gr8

Both Dates (?!?)
Green Qween
Red-tailed HAWK
Purple Panda & Taiwan Hippo Fan

Not Sure Which, but Interested

West Coast MBers Yearning for a Kokonvention of Their Own